Month: May 2020 (Page 1 of 3)

The Best Move Out Cleaning You’ll Ever Have

Reasons Move Out Cleaning Services Will Make Your Life Easier

Buying a new home or moving into a new rental can be an exciting yet stressful time. Life never seems to slow down as you’re juggling work, family, commitments, and packing for a big move.

Focus on Unpacking in Your New Home

Unpacking, organizing, and getting settled in your new home is a challenge in itself. It may take a week or more to unpack your boxes and feel settled in your new place.

Deep Cleaning Takes Time and Energy

The task of deep cleaning of dirt and grime in corners, cabinets, under furniture, and high on shelves is not for the faint of heart. It requires scrubbing, reaching high and low, and can take a significant amount of your precious time

Move Out Cleaning Is Essential for Out of State Moves

The truck is packed, you’re hitting the road, and there’s no time to clean up what’s left behind. No problem. Before you move, schedule move out cleaners to deep clean your home behind you. When time is of the essence, professional cleaners offer the relief you need

Offer the New Occupants a Fresh Start

There’s nothing worse than arriving with excitement to a new place to discover you need to clean before you can unpack. Give the new tenants the gift of a fresh start by hiring professional moving out cleaning in Colorado Springs. This offers goodwill to the new occupants and you’ll have more time and energy to focus on your fresh start.


How to Clean an Apartment for a Move-Out

Moving into a new apartment is a hard but fun and exciting process. However, you still have obligations to your old landlord, the largest of which is cleaning your empty apartment. Landlords want to rent out your old unit as soon as possible, therefore, you need to deep clean the apartment before your move-out inspection. If you don’t, you risk losing your security deposit. You might also risk losing your credibility if you ever need to use your past landlord as a reference. Apartment Guide tells you how to clean for a move-out.

Cleaning list

The landlord will likely have provided you with a list (in writing) of exactly what you need to clean in order to get your security deposit back. Every lease is different regarding expectations. Some will say “professionally clean the carpets” and others will simply require you to vacuum. So it’s important to read the list carefully to make sure you don’t miss anything. If you’ve misplaced the list, ask for another copy from your apartment manager. They will be happy to know you intend to comply.

What’s typically on the list

The list will typically include fans, fan blades, blinds, baseboards, carpets and many things you don’t clean every day. Knowing what is expected of you makes things much easier and increases your chances of getting your full security deposit back.

Dents and dings

Before you go about deep-cleaning your unit, you’ll also want to repair things like small holes in the wall, broken blinds, burnt out bulbs, and chipped paint.

How to deep-clean an apartment

Apartment cleaning is not glamorous but it’s worth knowing how to do right. Start at the top of the room with your ceiling, fan and fan blades. From there, move onto the walls, shelving, windows, blinds, and baseboards. End with the flooring. You want to start from the top so you’re only cleaning everything one time.


What is End of Tenancy Cleaning

We are sure you have many questions that you do not know the answers and we will try to cover all aspects of After tenancy cleaning. No matter in which city you live, the landlords’ requirements are almost the same when it comes to the condition in which you have to leave your home after your departure. To make sure you get your deposit back take some time to read the next lines. Especially for you, we have gathered all the necessary information about Post tenancy cleaning. The first thing to start with is to clarify what exactly means the term “End of tenancy cleaning”.

What is End of Tenancy Cleaning

“When you move into a new property, it’s most likely very clean on your first visit. Tenants have a right to receive a clean and hygienic property, but they must also ensure the standard is maintained for the remainder of their tenancy.

Most people don’t do deep cleaning on a weekly basis and that counts double in the months before their moving date. However, when moving out, tenants need to make sure the property is just as clean as it was when they first moved in. Since moving is an already tense, both tenants and landlords turn to the services industry to fill in that role.

What does end of tenancy cleaning include?

The cleaning of the entrance and the hallways requires more caution because these areas are heavily polluted. Here it is necessary to pay special attention to the floor, which is often irreversibly contaminated by shoe marks.

Kitchen cleaning

Cleaning the kitchen is one of the most unpleasant parts of every housewife’s work. Removing saturated fat and dirt from kitchen utensils and countertops is not only an unpleasant task but is also extremely difficult to implement without professional preparations. The cleaning of kitchens can be external, which includes cleaning of countertops, electric appliances, sink, floor, lighting fixtures, cabinets, etc. and internal – cleaning of all electrical appliances or a part of them (stoves, refrigerators, microwave, aspirators, etc.) and internal cleaning of cabinets.



Moving is a big job. In fact, many people say that moving is one of the most stressful and exhausting life experiences. Getting your things in order, changing your address, scheduling transportation and moving services, perhaps changing school systems, or going through a simultaneous career adjustment⁠—it can all present a massive amount of work. On top of it all, you have to make sure the home you’re leaving is clean (either to get your security deposit back for your apartment or to help ensure your house can sell) and that your new home is ready for move-in day.

This is where our move out cleaning experts can help you remove one burden from your to-do list.

Let the experts remove the burden of pre- and post-move cleaning from your to-do list. By nature, moving is messy. Our expert cleaning crews can make sure that your new home or the one you’re leaving looks spotless and sparkling with our move in and move out cleaning services.


The Importance Of Move-In Move-Out Cleaning

Whether you are moving in or out from a house, apartment, or office, cleaning the area will be inevitable. But do you have enough time and energy to do it on your own? If not, the smart choice to make is hiring a professional move in & move out cleaning service.

Moving Out From an Apartment or Old House

There are plenty of reasons why people move to a new house or apartment. It could be the place is nearer to your new workplace or you just want to have a fresh start. However, it is stated in your lease contract that you can only get your safety deposit once you leave the area in a clean and presentable condition.

Move In Cleaning Service – for Landlords

For landlords, if you do not have enough cleaners to effectively clean the newly emptied spaces in your apartment or office, the perfect solution is hiring a move in and out cleaning service.

Move In Cleaning Service – for New Renters

Meanwhile, for new renters of an apartment or house, you need to consider hiring an apartment move in cleaning service. Why? Because you have no solid assurance that the previous renters of the house have deep cleaned all corners, sinks, and countertops in the area.

What Are the Expected Inclusions for Move In & Move Out Cleaning Service

Before hiring any residential move our cleaning service, it is best to ask what are the inclusions for their service or package. Ask if they perform either spring, deep cleaning, or both. Moreover, ask for a free estimate of the job and how many cleaners are expected to be working on it.

The Importance Of A Car Accident Lawyer When You Have Been In A Car Accident

Car Accident Lawyers

Who are suddenly faced with the consequences of an accident don’t have to go it alone. In this time of crisis, the experienced car and auto accident lawyers, we can help you and your family find the tools you need to recover and become whole again.

There are so many things that can go wrong on the road. Even if you are an extremely careful driver, you cannot control the actions of other drivers. The lawyers are here to make sure negligent and careless drivers are held accountable for their devastating mistakes.

If I am injured in a car crash., what can a lawyer do for me?

An experienced accident lawyer will be able to gather important evidence and accident details and assemble them into a clear and concise argument for monetary recovery. Your car accident lawyer will quantify all the ways the accident has affected your life and seek an official amount of compensation from ICBC and any other insurance companies involved. Your lawyer is, most importantly, the guardian of your rights and a spokesperson for your interests.

Who will pay to fix my damaged vehicle?

If you were injured in an auto accident that was not your fault, you should have to pay nothing out of pocket, or in some cases only a deductible amount. ICBC should cover the repair cost of your vehicle from the careless driver’s and/or your own policy.

How do I know if ICBC is offering a fair settlement?

It may be easy to assess the value of your automobile and/or resulting damages. But most people are unaware of just how much their medical bills will amount to, over time. An experienced car accident claims lawyer will present a fair monetary assessment based on your current treatment needs, lost income, and potential future medical expenses.



Car accidents can change your life dramatically. These accidents are not just scary, they can cause physical and emotional damages as well. If you have been injured in a car crash

The cause of the car accident may have some impact on the type of car accident that occurs, as well as the severity of the car accident. Not only can car accidents involve different types of vehicles and victims – i.e. motorcycle accidents, bicycle accident, pedestrian accidents, tractor-trailer accidents, etc. – but they can also happen in a variety of different manners. Some of the most common types of car accidents include

Head-on collisions. Head-on collisions are one of the least common types of accidents, yet one of the most deadly. When a head-on collision occurs, victims are at risk of sustaining severe injuries, some of which may be fatal.

Rear-end collisions. Completely the opposite of the above, rear-end collisions are quite common, and rarely result in traumatic injuries. However, they should not be taken lightly; if a rear-end collisions occurs while vehicles are traveling at a high speed, they can be deadly.

Sideswipe crashes. A sideswipe accident occurs when two vehicles are traveling next to each other in the same direction, and are common when one vehicle attempts to change lanes without seeing an approaching or parallel vehicle.


Car Accident Lawyers

Why Hire a Lawyer?

Hiring an experienced car accident lawyer will help you get the most out of your case and protect your legal rights. Don’t worry about lost wages, medical bills, or dealing with the insurance companies. Our Pittsburgh auto accident attorneys take care of every aspect of your case – collecting evidence, as well as handling the complex claims process and confusing paperwork

Can’t Work? Dealing With Expenses?

Car accident victims often find medical bills piling up at a time when injuries make it impossible for them to work. The financial chaos this causes is overwhelming and can make it tempting to accept a quick, low-ball settlement. Don’t do it. Our Pittsburgh car accident lawyers will determine who’s liable for your injuries and fight to get you the maximum amount of compensation the law allows.

Experiencing Pain and Suffering?

A car accident can change your life in an instant. But how do you attach a dollar amount to the pain and suffering that impacts your quality of life? You need a Pittsburgh auto accident attorney who knows the ins and outs of Pennsylvania law. You also need an attorney and legal team that will treat you and your family with respect, compassion, and caring during this stressful and challenging time in your life. We work to recover fair compensation for mental anguish, discomfort, inconvenience, stress, embarrassment, humiliation, and disfigurement as well as to compensate the victim’s spouse for lost companionship if that applies

Dealing With the Insurance Companies?

Think the insurance company is on your side? Don’t be fooled! Insurance companies are in business to make money and that may mean denying your claim or offering you a low-ball settlement. Here’s our advice: When it comes to the insurance company, don’t say anything or sign anything.  Our experienced Pittsburgh car accident lawyers stand up to the army of attorneys at big insurance companies – we know their tricks.


Top-Rated Auto Injury Attorney | Car Accident Lawyer

In the blink of an eye, any driver on the road can find themselves in a life-changing accident resulting in anything from scrapes and bruises to major injury and death. In the event of an accident, having the right legal representation can make an enormous difference in securing the coverage you need to compensate for accident-related damages.

Knowing your rights and being able to advocate for yourself legally in the wake of an accident is no easy task. We can help. If you get into a car crash or are the surviving family member of a loved one who has recently died in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation.

List Of Common Causes Of Auto Accidents

Car accidents in the United States can be influenced by a variety of factors, ranging from personal driving behavior to factors outside our immediate control—such as poor road conditions and the behavior of other drivers

Common Injuries That Result From Car Accidents

Motor vehicles are large and heavy objects that can, in some cases, offer protection in the event of a crash. However, they can also wreak significant damage, causing harm to yourself, a passenger, or any property through direct or indirect contact

Types Of Car Accident Claims

The types of legal options available to you in the aftermath of a car accident may to some extent depend on state and local laws.



Every year, thousands of people are injured in car accidents. If you’re injured in the area, a car accident lawyer at Riddle & Brantley can help. These injuries often lead to significant medical bills, missed time at work and even permanent disability. If the accident was the result of negligent actions of another person, accident victims may be eligible to recover compensation through a legal claim

If you sustain injuries in a car accident, you’ll not only need to address your medical needs but may also need to handle insurance claims, police investigations, and other legal entanglements. If another person or party caused your accident due to negligence, you may be able to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. While it is technically possible to represent your own interests in court

Car accident claims can be complex. A car accident lawyer can take care of all the elements of your claim and allow you to focus on recovery. The attorneys at Riddle & Brantley know how to handle car accident claims, whether they involve legal action against a negligent individual, organization, or manufacturer. Your attorney will gather the necessary evidence to strengthen your claim and handle all interactions with insurance companies. Most importantly, your car accident attorney is prepared to fight for justice on your behalf in settlement negotiations and, if necessary, in a trial.

Results for Victims of Auto Accidents

He results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.

Learn About The Latest Bathroom Remodelling Trends

Are you thinking of renovating your bathroom?

How to get started

So you want to transform your damp, dilapidated bathroom into a modern masterpiece? Here’s how you get started.

Pull all of your ideas together 

Take a look at the amazing bathrooms and powder rooms in our collections. Like that massive showerhead? Save the image. Want his and her sinks? Find a few examples and save them. In addition to helping you form an idea of what you want your bathroom to look like, a collection of your ideas is an extremely useful to a designer. They can distill your ideas into your dream bathroom

Decide how much you’re willing to spend 

Whether you’re planning a massive renovation or just updating your shower, you’ll need to sit down and think carefully about how much you’re willing to spend. It can help to think of renovations as an investment – regardless of whether or not you’re intending to sell. To start, decide how you’re going to actually pay for the project. Then, review each item going into the renovation and try to find a price for it. This is a good way to eliminate costly, unnecessary extras.

Put a plan in place

With your ideas in hand and a budget mapped out, it’s time to speak to a designer and have a chat about timelines. The key thing here is figuring out what you’ll do while the bathroom is out of commission. If you’ve got another bathroom you’ll be fine, but you may need to pop around to a friend’s house for showers for a while!


3 Things Nobody Tells You About Renovating Your Bathroom

How much does a bathroom remodel cost? More than you think.

Think you can remodel your bathroom head to toe for a couple thousand dollars? We hate to tell you: the average cost of a bathroom remodel was $11,364 in 2016, according to the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA). A basic, low-grade renovation with less expensive materials or smaller swaps could run from $1,500 to $5,000, while a top-of-the-line, tip-to-toe renovation could run up to $23,000.

NKBA estimates that, broken down, most of this cost comes from fixtures and plumbing (about 29 percent), followed by counters and surfaces (21 percent), labor (20 percent), and cabinetry and hardware (16 percent). Keep in mind: they advise that, all told, your bathroom project should cost no more than 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value.

You may want to rethink that statement-making bathtub.

You may be tempted to upgrade your bathroom with a dramatic freestanding bath. But it might not be the most practical choice going forward, particularly if you’re petite, hate cleaning, have an old rickety house, like to take long baths, or take more showers than baths.

Flattering lighting requires planning.

Don’t think you can install a few lights and call it a day: because bathrooms are sometimes small and/or dark and filled with mirrors (which complicates how light bounces around), lighting requires careful thought and placement. The simplest way to light a bath is a single diffuse light in the center of the ceiling. Have a bathroom that’s already pretty bright? A pair of wall sconces should be sufficient. Thinking about ceiling-inset downlights? Place with care: avoid installing directly over light-colored countertops (since those will reflect the lights), and place close to the wall over a vanity to maximize light when looking in the mirror. And if you spend a lot of time applying makeup, consider vertical fluorescent light fixtures on either side of the mirror.


Budget Considerations

1- Evaluate Your Finances

Although you can research the average bathroom remodeling cost for your area, every remodeling project is unique. How much a homeowner actually spends will vary depending on the size of the space, the intensity of the project, and the quality of materials used. Before starting your remodel, examine what you think you can spend and then ask for an estimate from several contractors. Set realistic expectations for yourself.

2- Consider The Essentials

A bathroom remodel price tag will range depending on what you plan to replace and what accessories you plan to include. If you want to design on a dime, cut the extras out of your renovation plan. The little luxuries are nice and really polish a space, but aren’t essential to the room’s functionality.

3- Add A Little More Than You Think You’ll Need

When it comes to plumbing, it often seems that what can go wrong, will go wrong. There’s lots of room for plumbing issues to arise and increase the cost of your bathroom renovation, so it’s smart to leave a cushion in your budget for any surprises.

4-Payment Options

There are many ways to foot the bill for a bathroom remodel. A home equity loan is a popular option because it can be tax deductible. Other options include refinancing, no-equity loans, Federal Housing Administration loans, personal loans, loans from retirement plans, borrowing against life insurance policies, and your personal savings.

5- Stay On Track

Once your budget has been finalized, keep up with remodeling costs in a spreadsheet to make sure you’re staying on track. You can keep yourself and your contractor accountable to the agreed upon budget by tracking actual spending against budgeted amounts.


Choose the type of bathroom

Bathrooms come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and layouts. Chances are, you probably won’t change the type of bathroom when you go to remodel. However, it’s a good idea to look at all your options before you set your ideas in stone (or grout!).  An experienced interior designer can help you see possibilities that you might have missed. For instance, a cramped half bath could be transformed into a luxurious master suite just by borrowing some space from a walk-in closet or bedroom.

Standard Bathroom

A standard bathroom or full bath is one that contains a sink, toilet, and a bath, shower, or both. Some older homes were designed with just one full bathroom that the entire family was meant to share.

Master en-suites have the same basic features but are accessed via the master bedroom. Homeowners remodeling or adding a master suite often go for a luxurious spa-like vibe. Think skylights, a soaking tub, and separate steam shower. A properly designed master suite can be a rejuvenating escape at home.

In most cases, a master suite can be added on to a home if one doesn’t already exist. That can free up the existing standard bath for family use and can eliminate long lines at morning shower time.

Half bath

A half bath, or powder room, is a small space that has only a sink and a toilet. If you live in an older Seattle home that has only one full bath, your life could really improve by adding a half bath. If you have guests over for dinner, they can use the powder room and not have to invade your personal bathroom space. Likewise, if you have house guests staying over, it can take some of the pressure off your main bath if you’re all trying to get ready at the same time in the morning.

One of the best things about a half bath is that it doesn’t require a big footprint. We’ve fit half baths in the tightest of spots, including closets and unused corners. Adding a half bath can be an easy way to boost the value of your home as well as make your life easier.

Wet bathroom

A wet bath is a type of full bathroom where the shower isn’t in a separate cubicle or behind a curtain. Wet baths  are completely waterproofed, including the floor, cabinets, and walls.

Creating a wet room is one of my favorite approaches to bathroom design. It can look sleek and modern, without any cumbersome shower doors to get in the way. But it is also eminently practical. Because they are fully waterproofed, you don’t have to give a second thought to water splashing on the floor or walls. Wet baths also lend themselves well to universal design principals because there are no curbs or other obstacles that keep someone with limited mobility from passing safely into and out of the shower.

Another advantage of wet baths is that they make efficient use of space. If you are remodeling or adding a bathroom to your home, square footage can be precious, and a wet bath approach lets you fit more into a smaller room because you don’t have to devote space to a shower frame or stall.

Wet baths cost a bit more, but they are an excellent investment and the most durable way to build a bathroom.


Toilets, Tubs, Showers

This part of your bathroom remodel is huge.  The shower, or tub, is literally huge!  These items take up a lot of space in your bathroom and require a lot of planning too.  Tubs and showers often come in 1 piece units or units that are multiple pieces and the size of your doorways (and hallways) make a difference in what kind of unit you need when you decide to replace these pieces.  You can also choose freestanding tubs, like the old fashioned claw foot pieces or drop in tubs that sit into beautifully tiled surrounds.  Showers can also be created out of gorgeous tile.  There are endless possibilities!  And toilets…well, not all toilets are created equally.  There are short ones and tall ones, round ones and elongated ones, fancy and plain, insulated tanks, and some with more powerful water capacity.  Some toilets have fancy handles or the flusher is a button on top, some the tanks are sold separate, and most the seats aren’t included.  Many toilets can be bought to match the style of your sinks, tubs, and faucets.  Again, so much to consider!

Winter Weather And Your Broken Pipes

How to Detect a Broken Pipe

Broken pipes are not an uncommon problem amongst building owners and homeowners. In fact, according to research on the matter, roughly 33 percent of the world will experience a broken pipe at least once in their lifetime. A broken pipe should be found and fixed immediately in order to prevent not only serious structural damage but potential environmental danger as well. Look for these signs to make it easier to find a hidden broken pipe.

  • Strange Sounds – The plumbing in every building is installed in a ways so that the pipes make as little noise as possible. Pipe manufacturers even produce soundproof fixings for their pipes so that they don’t interfere with the quality of life of the residents. This means that if there are strange sounds coming from the pipes, the odds are good that there’s something wrong with them.
  • Strange Smells – Pipes that are installed correctly should not give off any type of smell. This means that if there is a strange smell in the building, it could be due to a leak in the vent or waste pipe. A pipe that is broken could be leaking water, which could result in the smell. The smell could also be as a result of sewage waste leaking out of a waste pipe.
  • Leaks – Leak detection is one of the easiest ways to figure out if there’s potentially a broken pipe in the building. One way leak detection can be done is by checking the downspout gutter for leaking water. Sometimes during the winter the water that flows from the gutter becomes cold enough to freeze, thereby causing pressure on the pipes and possibly breaking them.
  • Water Puddles Under the Sink – One of the most prominent signs of a broken pipe is if there is water pooling underneath the sink. Look for wet floors and carpets as another sign of a broken pipe.
  • Water Pressure Changes – Any changes in the water pressure, whether in the faucets or the shower, tends to be a definite indication of a broken pipe. Often it’s the result of a blocked pipe, whether due to the buildup of debris or frozen water. A blockage can end up leading to a broken pipe.


6 Ways To Find Hidden Water Leaks

Check your water meter

One of the best ways to tell if you have a leak in some part of your plumbing is to check the water meter. To do this, you’ll first have to turn off all the water in your home. Shut off all faucets, and make sure the dishwasher and washing machine are not running. Next, watch the meter and see if it begins to change. If it does, you likely have a fast-moving leak. If the meter doesn’t change immediately, wait two hours and check it again. If it has changed despite all the water being off, you may be dealing with a slower leak. The leak could be anywhere after the meter, or even underground. Remember that all piping after the meter is a homeowner’s responsibility.

Look at your usage

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends checking your winter water usage to find out if a leak is occurring somewhere in your home. If a family of four is using more than 12,000 gallons of water per month, there’s probably have a serious leak problem somewhere in your plumbing system.

Monitor your bill

If your bill is rising consistently but your water use habits haven’t changed, a leak may be to blame. Gather some bills from the past few months and compare them to see if there’s a steady increase. Your water bill should remain within the same range month to month. Remember that some of your pipes may be underground. You may never detect leaks in this part of your system, but you will always pay for them. It’s best to have a professional plumber make a thorough check of all the pipes.  A warm spot on the floor ( with under slab piping) or the sound of water running need prompt, professional attention.

Grab some food coloring

Toilets can account for up to 30 percent of your water use, so you should check to ensure they’re running properly. To test for leaks, add a few drops of food coloring to your toilet tank and wait 10 minutes. If the color shows up in your bowl, then you have a leak allowing water to flow from the tank to your drain without ever flushing the bowl.

Check exterior usage

Leaks don’t just happen inside the home — they occur outside as well. Check your outside spigots by attaching a garden hose; if water seeps through the connection while the hose is running, replace the rubber hose gasket and check to see all connections are tight. Consider calling a professional once a year to check your irrigation system if you have one. A system with even a small leak could be wasting 6,300 gallons of water per month.

Use common sense

Make a practice of regularly checking in the back of cabinets and under basins for any signs of mold or foul smells that might indicate a leak: prompt attention could save you thousands in repairs. Consider having a professional plumber make an annual inspection of your home to check for leaks or potential problems.


How Do You Know if a Pipe Has Burst  

The signs of a burst pipe can often go unnoticed or they can be all over the place, depending on the spot and magnitude of the rupture. The signs will always include water.

  • Flooding. The most obvious sign – if you notice puddles of water on the floor, if the walls are very wet, and if you see the water meter spinning like crazy, then you have a flood.
  • Bubbling walls. When the water leakage is not that obvious, you can notice bubbles forming under the paint or wallpapers of your walls.
  • Mould. Another sign for too much moisture. Some homes have this problem regardless, but if you’re experiencing mould for the first time in a while, the reason might be a broken pipe.
  • Patches of extra green grass. If a pipe has burst outside your home and around your yard, water would be flooding on your lawn. And if there are patches of very green grass, it’s probably a damaged pipe.


Take preventative steps.

So you’ve been through the ordeal of a burst pipe. What can you do to protect your home in the future? Try winterizing your home, like adding insulation to keep rooms and pipes from dipping below the freezing point during the cold months. You can apply pipe sleeves or heat tape to exposed pipes that are especially prone to freezing, such as under the kitchen sink or in the bathroom. (If you’re especially lazy or thrifty, newspaper works too.)

Additionally, pinhole leaks that let cold air in are some of the worst culprits for frozen pipes. The best way to guard against these leaks is to find them when they’re small — a tall order for a regular homeowner. Flo makes it easy to find and fix these tiny micro-leaks leaks in their earliest stages, before they turn into regular leaks or burst pipes.

And, as we mentioned earlier, let your pipes breathe. Open those cabinet doors and give them access to warmer air from the rest of the house. Even if the house is empty, remember to keep your thermostat set to above 32 degrees.


How Plumbers Do Leak Detection for a Home?

How Plumbers Do Leak Detection for a Home?

However, leaks present a special problem when it comes to repairs: finding the leak in the first place! Unless the leak springs up in one of the few visible pipes in your home, you probably won’t know where leaks are located. This is one of the reasons that you must rely on experienced plumbing professionals to handle the repair work. Leak detection is an important service that plumbers offer. Using the techniques below, licensed plumbers can find exactly where leaks are occurring so they can accurately and quickly repair them.

Acoustic listening devices

Ground microphones and listening discs are among the basic tools that plumbers use to pinpoint leaks. Using sound technology, they can hear the noise of escaping water and dripping even through a layer of concrete.

Heat scanners

In areas that are too noisy or too deep for using acoustic listening methods, plumbers use scanners that pick up temperature changes. Escaping water causes temperature shifts that will show up on the scanners.

Video pipe inspection equipment

For the most precise leak detection, plumbers use a miniaturized camera mounted on long fiber optic cables. The camera relays images back to a monitor where the plumber can see the condition of the inside of the pipe. Not only does this show where leaks are, but it also provides the plumber with extra information that will make it easier to repair the leak.

What You Must Know About Torch Down Roof Installation

Tips for choosing the right roof for your home

The roof is one of the most significant features of your heavenly habitat. A broken window has comparatively fewer issues than a damaged roof. Your nights will never be as comfortable as before. The reason behind choosing the right roof for your house is all the more vital for a healthy and secure living. The natural calamities are never a joke. Whether it is a destructive hurricane, hailstorm, or heavy snowfall, you will feel blessed to have a properly constructed roof. Roof connotes the vital portion of the house during construction. The roof keeps the people inside and their near ones safe and secured. The house should have a sturdy roof, having the ability to combat all the natural calamities, as well as protect the inhabitants’ inside the home. Roof construction should be such that it can hold up for many years. Considering every aspect, you have to make a wise decision, all-comprising the choice of roof material, expenses and roof installing contractor. The ten tips, discussed below, will be your fruitful aide while choosing the right roof for your home.

Roof durability

Roofing shingles have an approximate durability of 25-30 years, while the architectural ones’ longevity ranges from 30-35 years. Before choosing the right roof for your living place, be aware of the durability of the present roof. Thus, before you go for consulting the roof agencies, be adequately familiar concerning your house’s roofing and its permanency

Roof layering or not?

Are you the person interested in removing the present roof and re-install with a better one? Or, do you prefer layering the old one with a new roof? Quite an amount of straining occurs owing to layering with a new roof over the old one. The added weight over the old roof by the new one causes many difficulties. Therefore, always remove the old roof before installing a new one. It will then be structurally sound and safe, especially during adverse weather conditions. Moreover, be attentive and remove the uneven or curly roofs. These types of roofs cause too many future damages.

Weather resistant roofs

The home roof acts as an important barrier between you and Nature. Be calculative while choosing the roof material. The roof material should resist against heavy snow-fall, gusty winds and scorching sun-rays. Certain roof materials act reliably and do their job commendably

Fire-resistant roofing

While choosing the right roof for your home, be sure of the same being fire resistant. The fire resistant roofs categorize from category A to category C. But, the non-treated roofing shingles never qualify under the same. The category A roof is made of effective fire resistant coating. The category B roof never catches fire, when exposed under moderation. And, the category C roof has the ability to tackle only minute fire exposures. Never use under-rated roofing material for your home, especially in places prone to environmental fire hazard.


Essential Tips On Choosing The Right Roofing Installation Contractors

Your roof is the first and probably most important defense against the elements, like hail storms. Roofing installation projects also tend to be quite complicated and costly, choosing the right contractor can help ease your mind while ensuring that every cent counts

Getting the right roof installed by the right roofing installation contractors will not only ensure that it holds up to the elements for as long as possible, but also helps alleviate most of the concerns homeowners have concerning the quality of work performed through the provision of service guarantees, and manufacturer warranties.


When it comes to roofing installation, the main rule of thumb is to always go with an experienced service provider. Hiring a roofing company that has overseen the completion of numerous projects, successfully, comes with a variety of advantages.


Before hiring a roofing contractor, be sure to find out as much as you can about their reputation. Contact the roofer and ask them to provide you with examples of their most recent work. This will give you an idea of the type of projects they excel in.

Written Agreement

A written agreement gives homeowners, and contractor’s an official referral point in case of any disagreements on essential project details crop up during or at the end of the project. These contracts usually document important project details including pricing, quality of materials to be used and project duration among others.


Tips On Choosing The Best Roofing Contractor

As a homeowner, there are lots of crucial decisions for you to make. One of the critical decisions is on your roofing, determining when the shingles need to be replaced or repaired. The salient point then is not only about your roofing repairs and installations but finding a professional roofing contractor who will expertly get the job done.

Roofing involves a specialized skill. Knowing full well that the roof over your head not just only offers protection from the elements for you and your family, but adds to the aesthetic value of the house, entrusting the duty to experienced hands should be your only option. Sadly, with the myriads of contractors all claiming to be professionals, picking the best roofing company to attend to your roofing needs seems to be much of a herculean task.


Your first learn of action in selecting any roofing contractor should be verifying if the roofing contractor has the needful permits, licenses, and other necessary paperwork that proves he can operate in your state or local area. As a rule, never hire a roofing contractor that is not licensed. However, licensing is never a guarantee that the contractor will deliver excellently. Gather more vital info like membership of any trade association, continuing education training, website, business address, phone number, and other pertinent information

Insurance Coverage

Every basic roofer ought to have one. Having insurance doesn’t equate to it bearing any meaningful coverage. Know how much your roofing contractor’s insurance covers. Get to know if they have workers’ compensation and liability coverage. This is necessary because you, the property owner, can be sued for accidents that occur on your property. It is, therefore prudent for your roofing contractor to have workers’ compensation insurance.

Check Reviews and References

Reviews and references from past clients are one of the surest ways to assess the reliability of any roofer. The contractor should be able to make available to you a list of past clients that can vouch for him. All you have to do is to get in touch and get feedback on the contractor’s work. You can also ask for business-related references. Get to see the pictures of the contractors’ work. Some of the needful information may be accessed from the on the contractor’s website or by contacting the state’s Department of Professional Regulation or the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to verify just how ‘capable’ the roofing contractor is


Tips for Choosing the Right Roofing Contractor

Is it time to start thinking about having a new roof installed on your house? Has your old roof started to leak? Or, is it starting to develop some soft spots and wear and you want to prevent a leak from happening? A roof is a big investment. Roofs are not cheap. However, when a roof is installed by a high-quality roofing contractor using durable materials, it can last for 30 years or more.

Find a Licensed and Insured Roofer

Before hiring a contractor to install a new roof, confirm that they are licensed and insured. All major, reputable companies should be licensed and carry insurance for their workers. If a company you are considering is not licensed or insured, it should be a red flag, and you should look elsewhere.

Research the Roofing Company and Read Reviews

If you are considering hiring a given company to replace your roof, take time to do some research. Look up the company online. Find out how long they have been in business. If the company you are considering has only been in business for a short amount of time, it could be a sign that they may not stay in business to be able to attend to any issues with your new roof. Likewise, if a company has many years of experience, it is likely that they will still be in business years down the road.

Research the Materials Used

When you’re meeting with a roofing contractor to have an estimate completed for a new roof, ask them the brand of shingles they use. Then, try to find out information about this brand compared to other options. Again, look for customer reviews and other online posts that talk about the durability of the shingles. If you find that the materials used by a particular company are lower-quality, then you should consider other companies.

Consider More than Just the Price

Price should not be the only thing you look at when deciding between two companies. Often, if one company is significantly cheaper than other companies, there is a reason for it. The company may not be licensed, the workers may not be insured, or the materials may be lower quality. Look at more than just the cost when you are installing a new roof. You don’t want to have to replace your roof in just a few years due to having low-quality work done now.


Helpful Tips on Choosing a Good Roof Replacement

Hire a professional to help you out – It is safe to hire a company instead of trying to do this project on your own. Remember, roof work requires years of training and experience to install a new roof properly. Hiring a company with the necessary license and insurance is also important.

Make sure to remove the old roof completely – Replacing the old roof completely instead of building over it is advisable. By tearing off the old roof, we can inspect the decking and other areas for any signs of damage.

Asphalt shingles can be a good material choice – Asphalt shingles are an affordable and durable option. We provide quality asphalt shingles that can emulate materials like wood shakes and slate. Moreover, our products ensure good durability.

Schedule the project during the right weather conditions – If the weather won’t cooperate, it’s going to be difficult to install a new roof. Depending on the extent of the project, a job can be completed in only a few days if the weather permits

With these tips, you can be sure to select the right roofing, we provides various roofing services, such as roof installation, re-roofing, repairs, replacement, maintenance, and inspections. If you need further assistance in selecting a new roof, we can provide you with top quality materials that our expert team will install properly and professionally

Conveniences Offered By Professional House Cleaning Service Providers

House Cleaning Schedule

 Keeping your home clean can sometimes feel like an impossible task, but one great way to make it feel less daunting is to set a schedule. Creating a house cleaning schedule will help ensure that you keep every part of your home clean, even the parts that you’d typically pay less attention to. When you’re ready to make a cleaning schedule for your home, follow these tips to make sure you get the job done right.


A daily cleaning schedule attacks the messes and dirt that accumulate in your house every day. It will keep your home tidy but doesn’t do much about serious grime. By following this schedule, you’ll have a house you can relax in after a long day at work. In fact, living in a clean home may even make you a happier person.

Try accomplishing these tasks to prevent messes from getting out of control:

  • Make your bed
  • Put dirty clothes in hamper
  • Do a load of laundry when you have enough dirty clothes
  • Wipe countertops after preparing meals
  • Wash dishes (or load dishwasher)
  • Spend 10 minutes picking up and putting away clutter
  • Wipe out the kitchen and bathroom sinks


Tips for Cleaning Every Week

Tackle one room or job each day so you’re not doing everything all at once. For example, devote Monday to cleaning kitchen messes, bring out the vacuum on Tuesday, make Wednesday the day for changing sheets, and so on.

Clean inside of microwave: Heat a microwave-safe bowl filled with 1 cup of water and several tablespoons of vinegar on high power for several minutes until the window is steamy. Let cool for 5 minutes before opening the door, then remove the bowl, and wipe the inside clean with a sponge.

Scrub bathroom surfaces: We like CLR Bath & Kitchen Cleaner for grout and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath for glass, tile, and tub surfaces.

Sanitize sponges: Mix 3/4 cup of bleach in 1 gallon of water and soak the sponge for five minutes, then rinse – that’s it.


Four Easy Chores to Do Every Day

If you have a small family who mostly eats out, dishes on a daily basis may not be a priority. Modify your daily chores to reflect the needs of your family. Use the following as a guide.

Clean the Dishes

Maybe you’ve never seen what happens to a sink full of dishes left to sit, but it isn’t pretty. Smells, stains, and odd fungal growth usually go with forgotten dirty dishes. Cleaning dishes daily is the best choice all around. If you can’t manage to actually wash the dishes, at least make a rule that dishes will be scraped, rinsed, and stacked on a daily basis. This will prevent mold and insects from invading your home. If you have a dishwasher, use it regularly.

Do the Laundry

Not every family needs to wash laundry daily, but many of us find that at least a daily load of laundry is necessary. With work clothes, school uniforms, soccer practice clothes, and sports uniforms, families can generate a lot of dirty clothes. A daily load can help prevent a mad dash to find a baseball jersey in the bottom of a hamper or an overwhelming pile at the end of the week. If you have a really large family you may need to up your number of loads a day. Luckily, laundry is something that even school-aged kids can do with minimal supervision once they are trained.

Tidy Up

Doing a little clutter control on a daily basis keeps your home ready for company at a moment’s notice. A few minutes of picking up each day also prevent your home from turning into a disaster zone that will take hours to plow through. A tidy room makes a big difference in our motivation to tackle bigger projects. Use the 15 Minute Cleanups as a daily help to keep your main rooms ready for visitors. Try instituting a quick-pick-up session before bed. Make it more fun by trying to beat your best times or racing against other family members.

File Papers

If you don’t file daily, you risk piles of papers on every surface in your home. Between junk mail, letter offers, school papers, and receipts, paper can overtake our homes very quickly. It only takes a few minutes each day to prevent a major pileup. If possible set up a mail center with a shredder, trash can, and mailing supplies. Check the mail once a day and deal with each item as you open it. Shred it, trash it, respond, or file depending on where the paper needs to go.


Schedule High Priority Tasks First

 Fill high priority tasks into your open time slots first.

Remember that these tasks were the most important ones to you and your family.  As a result, you might want to schedule them every day or every other day, if it makes sense to do so.

Depending on your priorities, you might have tasks like make the bed, declutter, and wipe down kitchen counters listed every day.

Add Medium Priority Tasks Next

For most of us, medium-priority tasks make up the bulk of our cleaning routines.  Vacuuming, dusting, and thorough bathroom cleaning might have landed on your medium priority list.

At this point in the home cleaning planning process, you’ll need to decide how and when to complete these medium-priority tasks.

You should decide whether to plan for:

  • A different medium task each day of the week (Such as dusting on Thursdays, mopping/vacuuming on Fridays), or
  • Completing all of your medium cleaning tasks on 1 weekly bulk cleaning day (Such as dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning bathrooms on Saturday mornings).

Your approach will depend on the time slots available on your schedule, as well as your style of cleaning.

  • Do you like compressed, marathon-style power cleaning sessions, where you can knock out a bunch of stuff at once?
  • Or do you feel less overwhelmed with an expanded schedule, tackling 1 medium-priority task per day?
  • You could even do a hybrid where you bulk half of your tasks on 1 day, and the other half on another day.


Key Steps:

  • Break up cleaning tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly events
  • Daily tasks include quick tidy ups and dealing with dirty laundry and surfaces
  • Weekly tasks mean thorough cleans of appliances, floors, and rooms like the bathroom
  • Monthly tasks include time-intensive jobs like cleaning the windows, furniture, and decluttering
  • Don’t work alone! Ask your family or housemates for help.

A personalised house cleaning schedule is essential if you want a clean and tidy home. A good schedule will ensure no areas are missed and that every area is well maintained, and it will make it easy for you to manage your time!

How To Manage Costs Of Residential Electrical Remodel


You may be planning to add a room to your house. It may be a home office or an outdoor kitchen. These can be big renovations and you have to be careful with the planning, ensuring that the electrical factors are also taken into account. You should work with a licensed electrician who has experience with a project like yours. Proper planning can save you money and ensure that the project runs seamlessly.

Electrical Capacity

When renovating your home, it is important to determine the current electrical capacity of the building. Many old homes do not have the wiring to handle the latest appliances and technologies. You should get the help of an electrician to calculate the existing capacity

Wiring Size: If the wiring size doesn’t match the new electrical requirements in the building, it increases the risk of fires. An increase in the number of outlets for a circuit can mean excess current for the circuit. If adding more amps, it is important that you install new circuits into the panel.

Securing Wiring: Make sure that the wiring is properly secured. If the staples are not properly attached, the wires can get damaged. It is recommended to run the wiring through cable trays

Improper Wire Connections & Lengths: The length of wiring that can be stripped is regulated by electrical codes. The wires shouldn’t be stripped too much or too short. It can increase the risk of fires or voltage drops


Rewiring Tips

Approach the work with care

Rewiring needs a careful approach and, like all electrical installation work, is subject to regulation and legislation. Part P of the Buildings Regulations deals with electrical safety in domestic dwellings, and covers significant alterations and new additions (such as new kitchens and extensions) in UK homes.

Understand when rewiring is needed

Homes which have not been touched or rewired for over 20 to 30 years usually require attention. This is not only because the wiring is potentially dangerous but also because older wiring systems can’t cope with the demands of modern living

Plan carefully before work starts

Rewiring a property is messy, disruptive work

Those runs of wires go everywhere: under floors, through walls and across ceilings, so first fix is best done without carpets or furniture, so floorboards can be lifted and ceilings cut into. To position new sockets and switches at legally correct heights, plaster generally needs to be chased into, too. This is why it’s important to plan what’s going where in each room before starting the first fix stage, so you know where you need lights, plug points and any other electrically driven items.

Avoid additions mid-way through

They are costly and time consuming. One way to avoid them is by drawing a plan of your home with each room on graph paper and marking up the position of beds, sofas, kitchen units and so on. You can then consider the lighting and switches required. Little things like under-cabinet and bedside lighting are easy to do when planned from the start, but costly to undertake later.


electrical and lighting things to consider when building

I can safely say that every day of this home build journey I am learning something new. From small things like discovering new products (who knew door handles could be so exciting?!) to the bigger picture of understanding the building process

Do not over-light your interiors. The other week we published ‘How to design a lighting plan for your home‘ and in that post, lighting expert James talks about understanding the function of each room before deciding how much and what type of light to fill it with. As we went room by room through our house, James would constantly ask me ‘What will you do in this room?’ and ‘How will you configure your furniture?’ before suggesting any lighting options. Start with function and adapt your lighting depending on the needs in the space to avoid over lighting your home — and put a dimmer on every interior light!

Consider mixing lighting solutions. James is a big believer in using as little ceiling light as possible so he suggested all sorts of other lighting solutions — wall washes, low hallway wall lights, floor lamps, pendants, step lights — and when we did talk about ceiling lights he suggested some new products, like ‘extrusion’ lighting which is a more sleek and commercial looking product. If you won’t have an expert to help you plan your lighting, I suggest taking the time to research all the lighting options out there before meeting with your electrician so you can develop a plan that works and will add interest to your home

Be careful not to date your house with lighting that’s so 2015! As you all know, I’m a massive Block fan. So when I asked whether or not strip lighting along the kick of the kitchen was a good idea, or if we should put some under the island bench and I got a strained look from James… it was pretty clear the answer was no, he he. He said we could do whatever we wanted — it’s our house after all — but that he wouldn’t recommend putting lighting in these places where it serves no real purpose as he thinks this lighting trend will date quickly. In a few years time you don’t want people to say ‘That’s so 2015!

Automate lighting. Our lighting expert also suggested adding some automatic lights — having a sensor when you open the butler’s pantry and in the garage — so you don’t need to fumble in the dark. Small thoughtful details like this can make living in your home more comfortable.


The Ultimate Guide To Hiring An Electrician

The process for finding a qualified electrician is often hazy and difficult to pin down, and business owners can struggle with knowing how to find the best electrician for their project, what type of qualifications an electrician should have, and how to vet a contractor thoroughly.

Business owners and homeowners alike will have ongoing electrical needs. It’s critical to find a licensed, experienced, and reputable electrician for any electrical needs as they occur during the course of home or business ownership. Our guide will show you how to find and hire a qualified, local, and professional electrician for your business or residential needs who can handle an array of complex projects. We’ll show you the difference between a residential and commercial electrician, where to find a qualified electrician, what types of questions to ask your contractor, and more. By the end of the guide, you’ll know exactly how to find and hire the right electrician for your job.

The Differences Between Commercial and Residential Electricians

Commercial and residential electricians use different equipment and wiring processes to meet a range of load demands and energy needs. The amount of electricity your home needs is much different than the load demands for a large-scale commercial operation, like a resort or a healthcare facility

What qualifications or licenses do residential and commercial electricians need?

Unlike other construction-type jobs, electrical work requires more extensive education and licensing requirements. Electricians must work as apprentices for a period before they can become licensed electricians. It does not matter whether an aspiring apprentice wants to specialize in either a commercial or residential electrical work.

Once an apprentice completes these three steps, they will have the required licenses to practice their trade on their own without the supervision of a journeyman electrician. It’s important to note that different states and local governing bodies will have different sets of licensing requirements for electricians. Some states will require more extended periods of working under a journeyman electrician which can influence when and how an apprentice can become authorized to wire either commercial or residential buildings.


Nearby Electrical Companies in Your Area

Or more specifically, how can I find a great electrician near me?

Choose a certified electrician that is insured and experienced. Reading reviews and grades can help you locate the best. If they do not have insurance your homeowners policy will be on the line for damages.

Be sure to ask about their training level. There are three levels of electricians: Apprentice, Journeyman and Master Electrician. Ask questions about what level will be working on your house, if dealing with a larger company.

Contact three electricians – try to obtain estimates from each of them. This will provide a good sense of the area’s price points and other nuances

What are common electrical services?

Loose Electrical Wires – Loose wiring can happen due to the age of the home, harsh weather conditions, or frequent electrical surges. It’s a good idea to have loose wires fixed as soon as possible, as they can cause further damage to your electrical system.

Damaged Outlets – A damaged outlet typically occurs due to the malfunctioning of any appliances that were plugged in. The outlet may become dysfunctional or it may work intermittently.

Fixing a Damaged Breaker Box – Fixing or replacing the breaker box in your home is one of the costliest services that electricians provide. The breaker box provides surge protection to the entire premises and is the central hub for all electrical wiring.

Fixing Electrical Appliances – Electricians also fix appliances such as refrigerators, dish washers, TVs, ovens, and other similar home electronics

There are several other problems homeowners can expect to encounter at some point or another. Some of these electrical issues include:

Electric Work During Remodels

New Room Additions

Transfer Switches

Smoke Detectors

Pool Heaters and Hot Tubs

Cable/Data Lines

Generator Systems

Water/Fire/Storm Damage

Interior Lights, Exterior Lights and Light Switches

Ceiling Fans

Hood Vent Exhaust Fans

Kitchen and Bathroom Lights

Bathroom Ventilation

Security Systems

Door Bells

Underground Wiring

New Home Build and System Installation

How much do electrician services near me cost?

Electrical services vary widely by the problem that needs to be fixed, which is why it is important to have an idea of the issue that you’re facing.

Cost of Replacing/Installing an Outlet – Most outlets, particularly GFCI (water-protected) outlets, will cost between $50 to $60 per outlet to install. Outlets within the home may cost less, anywhere between $30 to $50.

Cost of a Surge Protection Install – Surge protection can protect your delicate appliances from electrical damage. The average cost of installing surge protection is $625.

Replacing Breaker Box Price – Replacing a faulty breaker box is a significant job. It may be necessary if the panel is a fire hazard or if the homeowners wish to have more power. This can cost as low as $660 all the way up to $3,000 or more.

Things That You Need To Know About Carpet Cleaning

Worst carpet cleaning tips on the internet


There are a lot of bad carpet cleaning tips and myths on the internet. Which tips can you trust? Which should you ignore? This blog post debunks common myths about how to clean carpet and protects you from permanently damaging your carpet.


Did you know “google” is now an official word in the dictionary? It means “the act of searching for information on the internet.” We use Google and modern technology to find pages and pages of information and the answer to almost every question imaginable. But should we trust all the answers we find online?


Vinegar is the darling of the natural cleaning world and DIY cleaning movement on the internet. But should it be? If you mix vinegar with water it is useful as a natural disinfectant but it is not effective as a carpet cleaning solution.


Ammonia and other high alkaline solutions will cause permanent damage to wool carpet and rugs. For synthetic materials, ammonia can degrade carpet fibers, cause color dyes to become unstable and strip away manufacturer static and stain guard finishes


Hairspray is for hair, not for carpet cleaning. You are much more likely to create a stain with hairspray than you are to remove a stain with hairspray. Here is a good rule of thumb, if you can find several articles online with tips on “How to Remove X Stains from Carpet” then you probably don’t want to use “X” for removing carpet stains.


Carpet-Cleaning Tips

Which Cleaner is Best For You?

Read Vacuum and Steam Cleaner Reviews and compare prices at Consumer Guide Products before you buy. Vacuuming is where most people start when maintaining their carpeting. That, then, is where we’ll start this article on carpet-cleaning tips. But it isn’t where the article will end. We’ll present all sorts of guidelines for cleaning, removing stains, and dealing with various other problems.

Carpets need to be vacuumed once a week and more often in areas of heavy traffic. Frequent vacuuming prolongs the life of your carpet by preventing a buildup of gritty particles that can cut carpet fibers. Every few weeks, take a little extra time and use your crevice tool for cleaning around baseboards and radiators and in other hard-to-reach places.

To vacuum wall-to-wall carpeting, divide the floor into quadrants and vacuum an entire quadrant before moving on to the next

Take your time when you vacuum a carpet, especially a plush carpet in which dirt is sure to be deeply embedded. One pass with a high-powered upright is not enough. Go over each section of carpeting several times, and work slowly to allow the suction to remove all the ground-in dust and dirt.

Pay special attention to the areas where people sit and move their feet. Vacuum these areas of heavy traffic with a crisscross pattern of overlapping strokes.


Tips And Tricks To Hiring A Carpet Cleaning Company

Your flooring is an integral part of your home. Carpeted floors can be difficult to keep clean, so you might consider hiring a professional carpet cleaner. Read on for helpful tips about hiring carpet cleaning professionals.

You need to make sure that any carpet cleaning company you decide to go with is reputable before you agree to their services. There are a lot of companies out there, and some are more experienced and dependable than others. Seek referrals from family and friends and read online reviews. This is a good way to put together a list of reliable businesses in the greater Santa Clara County area.

You need to make sure a carpet is vacuumed before you clean it. Use your vacuum to remove any lose dirt from your carpet before using cleaning products or water. Your results won’t be great if the products are applied to a carpet that’s full of loose dirt. If you have to, wait for the stain to dry so you can use your vacuum.

Before hiring a carpet cleaning company, make sure they actually have an office. You’re going to need a real address and phone number where any issues can be resolved, if you should have a problem with the work the cleaner does. Companies with only an email to correspond with can be frustrating and get you nowhere.

There are different ways that a professional can approach your carpet’s cleaning. To be honest, you’d be wise to hire a professional cleaner for the job. Test any carpet cleaning solution in an inconspicuous location before applying to ensure that your carpets are colorfast.


How To Find A Good Carpet Cleaning Company?

The best carpet cleaning Dublin, will offer steam cleaning as a part of their service. This type of cleaning will produce water heated to at least 180 degrees F, sufficiently hot to kill off bacteria and dissolve dirt and grease from the fibers of your carpet.

If possible, always arrange for an in-home inspection from a carpet cleaning service. If you get price quotes on the phone, it’s possible to be an entirely different story once on site, such as furniture moves, particular carpet type to be cleaned, the type of stain on the carpet, or location of the carpet. A professional and reputable cleaning service will offer a bottom line price, with no additional catches.

For this particular, you may get a machine using the capability associated with encapsulation rug cleaning. These versions offer fast drying as well as efficient utilization of water. As mentioned above, low-flow machines take advantage of water effectively.

Check Their Reputation

Again, you are letting strangers into your home. They also have important information you can use to verify the company is who they state they are such as their headquarter address, phone number, number of years in business, and any other names they’ve been known by. Their letter rating is also a good start to check. There are many ways to check the reputation of a company, but the most reliable method is to verify their status with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). It gives a brief overview of how they are resolved. The BBB will track any complaints filed and if they are resolved or open. Even if you have seen a big ad where they guarantee their services and satisfaction, you want to be sure.

If you have rugs and mats in your place of business these can also be cleaned by companies that offer commercial carpet cleaning mn. The equipment used for carpets is usable on these rugs, making it possible to restore them, rather than have to go to the cost of replacement.


Tips To Hiring A Good Carpet Cleaning Service

Most homes and buildings have carpet flooring. Such will require regular cleaning to maintain the quality and look. It is, therefore, important to hire a cleaning service occasionally to ensure that the carpets and rugs get a professional cleaning. However, with so many carpet cleaning companies available to offer this services how does one get a good commercial cleaning services Livermore company. Below are tips to hiring a good carpet cleaning service.

Years of service

As one begins to search for a company to hire it is important to consider how may years the company has been in operation. While one should not dismiss a company that has been in operation for a shorter time, it is important to know what is the experience of the firm. A company that has been in business for a couple of years has the expertise and knowledge to handle the job. Moreover, a company can be relatively new, however, the staff may have experience. It is thus important to consider the experience of the owner and employees.


They are different types of carpets and rugs that require various types of cleaning systems and equipment. The kind of cleaning done depends on the type of material and fabric. Find out what type of cleaning will best suit the work that you want need done. Likewise, what are the type of solutions they use to clean, do they possess any threat to people, children or pets

Licenses and Insurance

For a carpet cleaning service to operate, they will require the relevant licenses. Ask the company for proof of work licensing. Another important aspect is to ensure the service have an insurance policy. Such a cover will make sure that you will not be liable for any incident that may happen while the work is being done. And in the case of any damage to your property, you will be compensated.

Finally, find out whether the company offer warranty of service done. If the client is not happy with the work, can they repeat the work at no charge? Remember to hire carpet service companies who have a good reputation and strive to offer the best in customer service and satisfaction.

Seamless Epoxy Flooring Provides Durability And Aesthetics

How To Prep Your Floor For An Epoxy Coating

So you’ve decided to get an epoxy flooring for your brewery. Now all you need to do is apply the epoxy flooring properly. While this is a simple task, there are several things that need to be done to guarantee your floor comes out just the way you envisioned it


The absolute first step before applying your epoxy coating, is to prep your floor. It is essential that you clean your floor thoroughly. If you’re working on a concrete base, fill in any cracks or patch areas that need care before you start to clean. Once the damages, if any, have been repaired, it’s time to clean. Be sure to catch any areas you might overlook while preparing your epoxy coat. Oil spots will need to be removed and the floor will need to be degreased. Your floor is cleaned properly and you will want to make sure you vacuum thoroughly to rid of any remaining dust and debris.

The biggest problem you will encounter when applying your epoxy coating, is to make sure the moisture and humidity are in the right conditions. Conducting a moisture test on your concrete base is a reliable way to make sure the epoxy flooring will be applied properly. This can be done cheaply and effectively by taping shut a plastic sheet to your floor. After a day or so, you’ll notice if moisture has appeared or gathered underneath the plastic surface. If it has, you will need to apply a moisture blocking sealer. This is due to the fact that epoxy can be impossible to work with in high moisture conditions and will not guarantee a sealed floored. If the floor is not sealed properly then epoxy may not adhere causing the floor to bubble.


There are three main methods for preparing your floor for epoxy work, so take your pick on which one will best suit your needs.

The first is acid etching.  This technique is the most D.I.Y. option, as other techniques require machinery or skill. And is best used for concrete bases. First you need to apply the acid solution to your floor. Once it is spread out evenly use a scrubber, a stiff bristle broom, or a similar tool to work the acid solution. Once that it’s done, let the acid sit for up to 10 minutes, this will allow the process to take effect. Next you have to remove the spent acid. This can be done through power washing and then vacuuming once the floor has dried. Make sure to remove the residue before the acid dries. Finally you’ll need to neutralize any remaining acid residue. Using a diluted solution of simple green will work well on most floors (approximately 4oz per gallon of water


Tips for Maintaining Epoxy Flooring

I mop the epoxy flooring two or three times each year. Occasionally, I vacuum up debris with the shop vac, but everything else is just spot cleaning. It’s not much work to have a floor that is visually attractive and welcomes guests. Compare that to most other garages that have stains, concrete wear, dusting and other issues. You get the picture.

Whether you have professional epoxy coatings for your garage, basement, porch, sunroom or pole barn, the maintenance and usage tips are usually the same

For minor spills or vehicle drippings, simply wipe them up with a paper towel or other soft cloth.

Routine maintenance cleaning is best achieved with either a soft bristle broom or a blue commercial dust mop (available at any home improvement store).

For heavy cleaning of a soiled epoxy floor, sweep away any loose debris and then mop floor with a hard foam mop, hot water and clear ammonia. Four to five ounces of ammonia per gallon of water is all that is needed to adequately remove soiling

Some winter road “pre-treatment” compounds leave a hazy film on epoxy floor coatings after cleaning. This can normally be removed with hot water and a deck brush (found at most hardware stores). Continuous rinsing may be required to keep the compounds from drying onto new areas of the floor.


What is epoxy flooring?

Epoxy coating is a mix of polymer resins and hardeners. When applied to concrete flooring, epoxy creates a smooth, shiny surface that brightens the space. The durable and visually stunning finish makes it suitable for most residential and commercial applications

If you’re looking for suitable flooring types for your home, epoxy flooring should be high on your list. It’s impervious to most chemicals and has antimicrobial properties. It can also mimic the elegant feel of marble while maintaining the hardiness of concrete

Understanding epoxy floor coatings

Epoxy coating can be roughly divided into three types: solvent-based, water-based and 100% solid epoxy. More recently, you can find pre-tinted or metallic coatings, as well.

Solvent-based epoxy is the oldest type. It’s a mix of resin with a high concentration of solvent-based hardener. When left to evaporate after application, mixed resin and hardener generate toxic vapours, such as ammonia and carbon monoxide. To protect yourself from the fumes, wear a respirator during and after application

Next, you have water-based epoxy. It produces the same glossy finish as solvent-based epoxy but is soluble in water, so there’s no need for solvent hardener. It doesn’t leave harmful fumes but creates a sturdy, non-toxic, waterproof surface.


Epoxy floor paint tips and tricks that can save time and money

Over the past 40 years of installing epoxy and urethane floor seals and coatings on Fortune 500 company concrete floors, as well as basements, garages, and decks, a few tricks have been learned. These tricks can help you avoid making mistakes that can limit the life of your floors and require re-coating or repair.

Plan the job. Save trips to the store and costly delays by getting everything you need ready before the job starts. One quick step would be to go to a website like for a free cost analysis which will list everything you need to do your job including step-by-step instructions.

Stick your coating to something that is not going to move. Remember that a floor that has 3,000 lb. or more going over it every day needs much better adhesion than a wall that may get brushed by an elbow occasionally. Stick your coating to something that is not going to move.

The better the tools the less work you have to do. Renting power scrubbers, walk-behind vacuums, double-bladed squeegees, and long-handled scrapers are all multipliers that reduce your work and increase your performance. You can do without lots of fancy tools but you could end up stopping your project earlier than you should because its just too much work

Some things must be abraded off. Gum, adhesive, asphalt, some paints, concrete splatters, silicone sprays from Rain X or tire shine are just some of the things that you may need to scrape or grind off by hand when doing a floor job.


Getting Creative with Epoxy Floor Coatings

Getting Creative with Epoxy Floor Coatings It is no secret that we all want our homes, businesses, and garages to reflect our unique styles and personalities! Epoxy coatings allow many of us to transform our standard home and business floors into areas that leave people wanting more! The best part about these coatings is the fact that they resist all types of common and uncommon damages, so your floors will continue to be beautiful and unique for years to come. Modern Epoxy Floors Excite People With resin floors, you can install a

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Pool Safety Tips For Your Family This Summer Now that summer has started, it may be settling in that you need to make sure that you and everyone using your pool are as safe as possible so you can kick back and enjoy your pool this year. Pool safety is one of the biggest factors that should play a role in your home every summer. Did you know that between 2005-1024 alone there was a total of 3,536 unintentional deaths that were pool-related? That is relative to about 10 deaths a day from backyard pools alone! With

Industrial Concrete Has Become A Trendy Decor Element Do you wish that there was a way to get the modern industrialized look into your home without having to spend thousands of specialized metal trims, industrial banisters or light fixtures? Well, even though industrial is the going trend, there is a way to get the industrial look with a price tag that looks even better than the look itself, concrete. No matter what is going on in the interior design cliche, concrete is always going to be affordable on any budget and is the easiest way possible to

The Correct Way To Resurface A Concrete Floor Has your concrete floor seen better days? Cracks, gouges, and stains can put a massive damped on the curb appeal and even the performance of your concrete flooring system. Where the adverse effects of aged and working-class concrete can have you scrambling for your local concrete contractor to plan the replacement of the entire slab, we think you should hold off until you read about a time and money-saving process known as concrete resurfacing. We get it, not many people are knowledgeable in working with concrete and that is

Tips To Find Good Car Accident Lawyer For Your Problem


Being in a car accident can be a very stressful experience, made even more stressful when there is a legal process intertwined. If you’re not at fault, you should be sure to lawyer up in order to receive the best settlement possible


As with any service, speaking to friends and family about their experiences is a great idea. There is a good chance you know someone that has needed to hire a car accident lawyer. Understanding their experience and how successful the lawyers were for them can be helpful.


If you have an especially unique car accident case, you will want to find lawyers who have experience, and success, dealing with situations similar to yours


Be sure to develop a full understanding of legal fees, including when you must pay and under what circumstances, before hiring a lawyer. Most lawyers will work on a pay scale that charges a percentage of a successful settlement package


All good lawyers will work under a reputable firm, which will hold them accountable and will provide them with a more successful network. This helps you know that you are more likely to succeed in your legal proceedings


How to Find the Right Car Accident Attorney for You

You already know this is an important decision. In fact, finding the right lawyer from a good shortlist of car accident attorneys may be one of the most important decisions of your entire car accident case.

You should do careful research and select an attorney who has years of proven experience handling personal injury cases such as yours. We want to offer you some helpful tips to find that perfect attorney to get you compensated for your car accident injuries

Evaluate the complete team of staff, not just the partners or people who make up the public face of the law firm. Keep in mind as you research and interact with the firm that it may not be the same person you speak with initially who will be your primary contact

Firm age, size, experience. Awards and leadership roles in organizations can also be good indicators.

Good judicial connections: Find out if they participate in the local bar association and contribute to campaigns.


How to Find a Good Car Accident Lawyer

It’s one thing to know that you need a lawyer and another to know how to find a good car accident lawyer. There are thousands of lawyers in the biggest metropolitan areas. Even small suburban towns will have several dedicated firms. Not all are created equal

Some law firms specialize in specific fields like personal injury, divorce, or business matters. After being injured in a car accident, it is important you choose wisely. Hiring a good car accident lawyer who is familiar with these kind of claims can make a big difference in the outcome of your case. If you want to know how to find a good car accident lawyer, keep reading.

Make sure the law firm will be prepared to go to trial.

It is common for car accident claims to reach a settlement without ever setting foot inside a courtroom, but this is not always true. It will be in your best interest to find a lawyer who builds a defense as if your case was going to go to trial – even if it never does. Furthermore, your lawyer should have some experience in bringing cases before a judge and jury

Decide on a firm who has a proven track record of high settlements.

Part of knowing how to find a good car accident lawyer will include determining whether or not the firm, or lawyer, has recovered large verdicts or settlements. This is important because you deserve maximum compensation, and need to ensure all of your losses are completely covered. There are websites that lists lawyers who have reached million dollar settlements. Even if your case is not worth that much, it can help to choose a lawyer who knows how to settle right with insurance companies

Find a lawyer who has enough resources.

Car accident claims can be expensive to prepare. Accident reconstructionists, life care planners, doctors, investigators, and other professionals may need to be called upon for help and advice. All of this will cost money. You should make sure a lawyer has the financial resources to cover all of these costs upfront. This can be difficult to determine, but a good lawyer should be honest with you during a consultation. You can also use your best judgment by assessing the look of the office, the location, and professionalism of the staff working at the firm.


How to Find a Good Car Accident Lawyer

After you decide you probably need help from a car accident lawyer after you suffered injuries in a crash, how do you find the right one? Where do you even start to search? How can you be confident in a lawyer’s abilities and trustworthiness?

The following are some tips for finding the right lawyer to handle your car accident case. Remember that anyone can pay for a fancy and professional-looking website, so you should take additional action to ensure you find a lawyer who is fully qualified to provide the help and representation you need.

Research Lawyers Online

Even if you have personal referrals, conducting an online search never hurts. There are many online directories and services that can help you narrow down the millions of results that pop up when Googling “car accident lawyer.” These directories often provide additional inside information about an attorney or law firm, such as client reviews. Client reviews can tell you a lot about what to expect from your experience with a particular attorney.

Ask Your Family and Friends

Even with the rise of the internet, word of mouth in your trusted community is still an important way to get information and recommendations for any type of professional services—and a lawyer is no different! If you have someone you know and trust who had a lawyer represent them in the past, this is a great place to start, but is not always a guarantee.

Pick up the Phone

Once you have a list of three to five possible candidates, it’s time to contact them directly. Almost every law firm these days has an option to fill out an online form to get more information. While this seems convenient to most people, calling a law firm can often give you a much better idea of how the firm works. For example, talking to someone on the phone can let you know whether the firm is all-business or takes a more friendly and personable approach. Did you feel like your call was welcome? If not, you may not ever feel welcome contacting the office—even if you are a client! You can’t get this type of feedback from an online communication


Tips On How To Find An Auto Accident Lawyer

You hear radio ads, see television ads and the Internet is full of paid advertisements for ‘Car Accident Attorney Milwaukee’ ‘Milwaukee Auto Accident Lawyer’ and the like. But even the best advertisements don’t tell you anything about how to make the best choice for your individual personal injury or auto accident injury legal case

Ask friends and family for a referral. If someone you know has had a good experience with a particular law firm, that is definitely a plus. Some of the questions to inquire about including: whether an attorney worked on their case, as opposed to a paralegal; whether they were kept informed on the status of their case; and lastly, whether they felt that the case was handled in their best interest, not just to secure a lawyers fee

Research online and view attorney websites. Look for designations by US News & World Reports of Best Lawyers and Best Law firms, designations by Martindale-Hubble preeminent lawyers, or similar professional groups. Professional lawyers will be providing information that you need about the type of case you have, rather than just how great they are. Look for someone who offers free resources to help you understand what is involved in your case and helps you feel informed and confident about the legal process

Determine who has worked on cases like yours, and does so on a regular basis. Like any business, it is important to consider how long have they been around and whether their expertise centers on personal injury law. You need to look for someone with experience in your particular type of case

Look for a firm with a solid reputation in the community, and that includes community service. Is the lawyer involved in helping people in the community, or just in earning a fee? Dedicated to serving others is a great indication of ethics and community pride.

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