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Bed Bugs Control Techniques

Don’t let the bed bugs bite

Question: If you put on “Off” or some other insect repellant before retiring in a hotel will this prevent them from biting? Can they get in your hair? –Dolores Hill, Bessemer, Ala.

Answer: Although we have not specifically tested mosquito repellants on bed bugs, we have tested repellant insecticides. Bed bugs do not seem to respond in the slightest to repellent insecticides. In fact, they will sit on top of them until they die. These results have been confirmed by the older bed bug literature (Usinger 1966) who stated that many repellant materials were applied to bed frames in an attempt to keep bed bugs from crawling up, but none had any effect. Because we have not tested repellants on skin, we can’t say for sure whether bed bugs would be willing to stick their mouth parts though repellant treated skin or not. But we have found bed bugs to be very determined little creatures and I think it would be hard to stop a hungry bed bug. In addition, the repellants that you buy for mosquitoes last only a couple of hours before the effects begin to wear off.  If you apply a repellant before getting into bed, a lot of the material could rub off on the sheets etc.  Also, bed bugs are most active between 3 and 5 am, which is several hours after the time you would have put the on the repellant to go to bed.  Bottom line, a repellant may prevent you from getting a bite or two but I do not believe that they will significantly hinder a hungry bed bug.

Question: Would the silk “sleep sacks” sold as a travel accessory be any help at all against bed bug bites at a hotel? –L Hart , Irvine, Calif.

Answer: Unlikely. Bed bugs can very probably feed directly through the weave of the “sleep sack.” Even if the bag were to offer some protection, the bed bugs could crawl to the opening of the sack and enter that way. The best defense is to inspect the bed (mattress and sheets) and the head board for signs of bed bugs.  If you find any, report this to the management and request a different room.

Question: When traveling I carry a can of Lysol spray and spray the bed with it. Is this helpful in getting rid of bed bugs?  –Ennis, Tex.

Answer: The only way that Lysol spray could help you is if you sprayed the bugs directly.  The alcohols and propellants would probably kill bed bugs if you wetted them down with the material.  However, dried spray on or around the bed would have no effect.

Question: Are the pesticide companies trying to develop an effective bed bug spray? –Diana Shea, Descanso, Calif.

Answer: This is an excellent question.  All pesticides that are labeled for use in the United States have to be registered by the EPA.  To get an EPA registration, the pesticide product has to be thoroughly tested for acute and chronic effects on mammals (laboratory rats and dogs), the potential effects on birds, fish, and honeybees has to be documented, and the environmental fate (half-life) of these products in water or soil also must be quantified.  The cost of having a product registered is now estimated to be around $ 100 million.  This cost naturally limits the number of products that make it to the marketplace.  In addition, there has been a 10 to 15 year trend in reducing the number of pesticide products that receive registration for use in the indoor environment.  In short, it is very hard to get new pesticides registered that are labeled for indoor use (as opposed to agricultural use).

Question: Why is it that I get bit but my husband does not? –Denise, Indian Trail, N.C.

Answer: Bed bugs tend to aggregate together when they are resting.  It is possible that you are on the “bed bug side” of the bed. Bed bugs don’t switch back and forth from one host to another so if they find you first, you may be the only one bitten.  It is also possible that your husband is getting bitten but does not have a significant reaction to the bed bug bites.


Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are insects that feed on blood and can survive months without feeding. Their bites are often itchy, and sometimes painful. Bed bugs are a growing problem everywhere. By spraying for insects less often, and using less dangerous chemicals when we do spray, our homes are safer for our families but also less toxic for bed bugs

Bed bugs are hitchhikers. They travel by hiding in luggage, clothing, beds or furniture. This can make bed bugs a special problem for hotels, apartments, and when using second-hand furniture. Once bed bugs are introduced, they spread from room to room throughout a building. Keeping a clean home can limit cockroach and rodent problems, but will have little effect on bed bugs.


People sensitive to bites can have a raised, red swelling at each bite site or may develop a sensitivity that can include nervousness, and sleeplessness. Symptoms may also appear several days after being bitten. Bed bugs’ feces, casings, and other materials can be asthma triggers in some people. Although bed bugs feed on blood, there is no evidence that bed bugs transmit disease.


Bed bugs vary in size, and in color, from a red-brown to a light brown. Adult bed bugs are 1/4 inch, or about the width of a pencil.

Bed bugs move quickly. The females lay eggs in cracks and other hidden areas. The eggs appear tiny, white, and are hard to see without a magnifying glass. Bed bugs are active at night and hide within 5 to 20 feet of where people sleep. They tend to gather in tiny crevices and other places, especially in mattresses, box springs, and head-boards.


Guidelines for killing bed bugs in laundry

The nice thing about an emergency pest problem, like the current bed bug epidemic, is that such problems attract a lot of attention from the research community.

Knowing how to dis-infest clothing is important to pest control, because, as the authors so carefully explain, bedbugs “may seek harborage among clothing stored close to the bed, or may be entangled with bed linen while it is being changed. ”  And, “once associated with clothing or linen, there is a risk that bed bugs may then escape insecticide treatments, and may be transported to new locations.”

To do this they took laboratory reared bed bugs and sealed them in cotton bags.  These bags were then placed among sheets or in the pockets of clothing to assess mortality of standard cleaning methods.   The results were enlightening and should help in recommendations for how your customers can ensure maximum effectiveness of methods to disinfest household articles.

A summary of the results of this study include the following:

Freezing can kill bed bugs.  Reducing temperatures to -17 degrees C (0 degrees F) for 2 hours will kill all bed bug life stages (about the temperature of a chest freezer, not a refrigerator freezer).  A 5.5 lb batch of clothes, however, does not drop to 0 degrees F immediately.  The researchers found that it took about 8 hours for the temperature in the center of that wad of clothes to killing temperature.  Upshot?  Put clothes in freezer for at least 10-12 hours.

Bed bugs are also susceptible to high temperatures of 40-50 degrees C (104-122 degrees F).  In order to reach these temperatures, clothing to be dis-infested can be placed in a large tumble drier at the HOT setting for at least 30 minutes (for a 7.7 lb load).  A 10 minute HOT tumble dry only killed about 75% of nymphal bed bugs, 85% of adults.  Interestingly, the COOL cycle killed almost no bed bugs.

Soaking clothes in cold water for 24 hours (without detergent) killed all adults and nymphs, but killed no eggs. Unfortunately, the researchers did not test whether soaking clothes in cold soapy water for 24 hours would kill eggs.  This alternative treatment might be useful, especially for cleaning clothes that are labeled for cool wash and dry only.

Dry cleaning killed all life stages of bed bugs, and would be an appropriate treatment for delicate and temperature sensitive fabrics.

When washing clothes, wash water at 60 degrees C (140 degrees F) on 30 minute wash cycles killed 100% of all life stages.  Washing at 40 degrees C (100 degrees F) killed all adults and nymphs, but only 25% of eggs.  So clearly, washing clothes for bed bug dis-infestation should be done at the hottest temperatures (about 140 degrees F).

Experience with many pests verifies the wisdom of using multiple control tactics to control pests–a basic tenet of IPM.  Certainly bed bugs are no exception.  Reducing clutter, systematic inspection and treatment of the bedroom and other infested rooms, trapping and ongoing monitoring, and effective treatment of all exposed household articles, including clothing, are all essential components of good bed bug control


Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects in the family Cimicidae. Both nymphs and adults feed on sleeping or sedentary humans, mostly at night, a time when this pest’s stealthy habits are difficult to observe.

The growth and development of C. lectularius is optimal when it feeds on humans; however, this insect also feeds on other species of mammals and on birds found near the home including chickens, mice, rats, and rabbits. Bat bugs and swallow bugs, close relatives of bed bugs, may also be found in and around human dwellings and may sometimes bite humans, although their preferred hosts are bats and birds, respectively


Adult bed bugs are oval, wingless, about 1/5 inch long, and rusty red or mahogany. Their bodies are flattened, they have well-developed antennae, their compound eyes are small, and the area behind the head (the pronotum) expands forward on either side of the head, bearing many small hairs. The immatures, called nymphs, appear identical to the adults except for their smaller size (1/20 –1/5 inch), thinner outer skeleton (cuticle), and lighter yellowish-white color.

Bed bugs are readily distinguished from another common blood-sucking species, conenose bugs (also known as kissing bugs), by their smaller size, more rounded shape, and lack of wings as adults

Bed bugs can be distinguished from their close relatives bat bugs and swallow bugs by comparing the length of the hairs on the pronotum to the diameter of the eye; this requires a hand lens or microscope. These hairs are shorter than the diameter of the eye on a bed bug and longer than the diameter of the eye on bat bugs and swallow bugs


Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite

The number of strange presenting complaints we encounter every day in our practice surely must have given us the insight to look beyond the tunnel vision we have. It’s something I’ve certainly learnt from the following experience.

Within a day of returning, I started developing a very itchy urticarial rash all over my body.

I proceeded to take a cocktail of antihistamines, topical creams etc, but things didn’t get better. In fact they got worse. I wasn’t sleeping at night because of the itching and started to miss work because the rash was so severe.

He thought it was an urticarial rash and told me to change my washing powder, go organic and generally try to find what was I reacting to. I convinced him to give me a course of steroids while I was abroad, which worked a treat, but as soon as I got back from the US, the rash reappeared.

I spoke to my father (a paediatrician) who got really worried and ordered me to do a string of blood tests, half of which I didn’t even know existed! My registrar and another dermatology registrar suggested various things, treatments, referrals but no specific diagnosis

Home Remodeling Services Made My Wife Happy

Start a Successful Home Remodeling Business with This Guide

Today, achieving financial progress is not a big deal and as difficult as it used to be. This is because we now have an ocean of opportunities for making a decent amount of money. For example, one can use the internet to start an online job or create a new startup. In the past few years, people were not good at choosing the right profession; they only looked at earning money, which is where they were wrong.

Did you know that you can earn a substantial income when you choose a profession you are good at? You can uplift your business in less time when compared to those who are not skilled in their jobs.

There are countless options to choose from in creating your dream career. Sometimes in life, you have to make important decisions that will be wonderful for your future. For instance, if you are good at home remodeling and renovation, you can select this route for your business. You may have heard it often that every business requires experience, but you need your skills for this one. And if you are really good at it, then you are going to run a successful business.

Like all other businesses, you need a guide to give your new business a good start. For this, you can visit home remodeling companies’ websites to see what types of services they provide to their clients and what they charge for them. Moreover, you can set one-on-one meetings to learn how they work. Apart from your efforts here, below are a few points that would help you accelerate your new home remodeling business.


Make a Solid Business Plan

Since you are sure you are going to use your skills and are planning on starting a home remodeling business, you have to make a solid and reliable plan. Planning beforehand is key to your success and plays a crucial role in uplifting your business. Decide on your budget and determine the time you need to invest in order to establish your business.

Learn Marketing Rules

Like all other businesses, home remodeling also requires contractors or home designers to establish good relations in the market. You’ll always need labor to do the jobs. Moreover, you’ll always need the help of some companies to complete your projects. For instance, if you are dealing with home paint, you need to invest in the right company.


People Skills

When starting a house renovation business, customers need to trust you. Your goal is to build a brand with a solid reputation that will have your customers raving about your work to their friends and neighbors. You will need hands-on technical skills to do home renovation, and these can be learned through internships on job sites as well as online courses in home remodeling. But while you build these skills, always remember that remodeling homes is all about working with the people who live in them. Trust and reputation are critical, and we recommend approaching the business from a ‘people-first’ perspective.

At the Beginning

Doing jobs for low-cost at the beginning is an excellent way to sharpen your skills as you ramp up. There is a huge marketing opportunity here, too-you can start building up your customer reviews and feedback to display on your website and social media long before ‘opening day’. Genuine reviews about your service from past customers is the best marketing strategy for dominating today’s home improvement industry. Remember to take (and post) pictures before, during, and after your home renovation work, always with your customer’s permission. For your potential customers, seeing is believing.

Marketing and Networking Ideas

Today, there are many easy and affordable marketing options to reach the customers who will be searching for your services online. For low-cost advertising, check out Google and facebook ads- both companies have been ramping up their efforts to serve local businesses.

Networking with other industry professionals, like wood, metal, glass, and paint suppliers, could be a great source of early referrals for your home renovation business. Make sure to invest in those relationships as you would with customers-they are key players to have on your team.

Starting a home improvement business is a big responsibility. Expectations are high, and you may have some competition at the beginning. But with a positive attitude and a professional approach, you can make a career out of doing what you love. Enjoy using your creative skills to improve the space that matters most to your customers-their homes!


Start out as a Subcontractor

Although the workload in the housing market is growing, the beginning will be all but simple. If you want to begin your business successfully, get ready for a multi-step process. First, start out as a regular worker in a home renovating business or a bigger (re)construction company. It will help you make connections in the field and gain some precious experience.

Then, learn the tricks of the trade regarding the financial side. As time goes by, start developing an exit strategy. For instance, start doing some less-challenging home renovation projects on your own as an extra job. If you’re good, you’ll get recommendations from your clients. As your workload keeps growing, hire assistants and increase the number of work hours. Finally, when your side job becomes your main source of income, leave your current position and launch a brand-new home renovation business.

Calculate Your Budget in Advance

As opposed to construction businesses, which are usually huge enterprises, home renovating ventures are managed more easily in financial terms. Nevertheless, don’t think it will be smooth sailing. With many entrepreneurs doing the same thing as you, the most important step is to ensure that you have enough budget to cover your initial expenses.

This budget should include your workers’ wages (direct labor), overhead expenses (the total cost of all the means you use to carry out the work) and direct materials (pretty self-explanatory)–read more about it here. When you’ve calculated all those initial expenses, it’s time to see what financing models you can apply for. Make appointments in several banks and check if they can offer you some affordable business loans. Also, do some research on government grants for small businesses. Even if you don’t qualify for one at the moment, it’s good to know what options you can count on in the future.


Know Your Numbers

For some time I’ve been giving a seminar aimed at smaller contractors — those under $600,000 — called “Small But Smart.” During the session, I always ask how many people in the room mark up their work 50% or more. Invariably, fewer than one out of 10 will raise his hand. The most common mistake made by newer remodelers is that they have no idea what the markup over cost must be in order to make a profit. As has been stated many times in this column, the minimum markup is 50%, and as a company grows, it is 67% and even higher. In the handyman business, the labor figure is over 100%. The biggest reason for this misunderstanding about markup is that most small company owners have never taken courses or attended seminars that show them how to break down job costs. Job cost is labor, including fringe benefits; materials, including sales tax and delivery; subcontractors; plans and permits; and cleanup. Overhead includes sales costs of 6% to 10%; production supervision of 4% to 6%; advertising; office management; tools and equipment; office equipment; and much more. Small companies have a minimum overhead of 26% to 30%, and larger companies range from 30% to 35%.

Moving Loading Services

Move into your apartment with a tap

Enjoy the ease of moving with Lugg. In just few simple steps book 2 strong movers and a truck to move all your items into your new place.

Schedule within minutes

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Don’t lift a finger

will do the impossible to get all your items to your destination safely. You sit back while we do the lifting.

Peace of mind

We are licensed and insured. Your move will be backed by our multi-million dollar insurance policy.


When Should I Start Packing Before My Moving Day?

One question we hear a lot is, how soon should I start packing before my moving day? The answer is always the same – as early as possible

The sooner you start packing the less stressful the process will be, especially if you’re moving long distance. You’re also less likely to cut corners that could end up being costly. However, packing ASAP is sometimes easier said than done

If your move is still a few months away you can’t pack everything up (unless you don’t mind living out of a suitcase for a while). But you definitely don’t want to put things off longer than you have to. The trick to packing ahead of time without losing your sanity is to prioritize your packing. Here’s how to do just that, plus tips on getting packed up when you’re short on time.

Expert Strategies on Prioritizing Your Packing Timeline

Most people have every intention of getting a headstart on the packing process, but don’t know how to go about it. To do this without completely upending your home life you’ve got to be strategic. Basically, start with the things you rarely use and work your way towards packing up everyday items.

First, find a place for packed boxes. To keep your entire house from becoming a storage unit, designate an area as the place for keeping packed boxes. The garage or a guest room are two good options.

Now start with your stored items. Things that are already tucked away in the garage, attic or closets are the first things that can be packed in advance without a problem. You may even get lucky and find a few storage containers that can be used.

Move on to seasonal items that aren’t in season. Seasonal items like winter clothing and lawn equipment that won’t be needed before the move can be packed up sooner rather than later.

Next, come up with a packing plan for specialty or hard-to-pack items. Some items, like a piano or custom piece of artwork, may require special packing or transport that needs to be planned in advance. The opposite could also be true. Specialty items may need to wait until moving day. Call up your moving company to determine how soon the item needs to be packed and if there’s anything you need to do to get it ready.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a furniture move cost?

When hiring a professional moving company for your relocation the cost depends on a number of factors such as packing, access, size of consignment, number of staff etc

How much notice do you require?

are usually booked between 7 and 14 days before the expected move date. For international relocations ideally at least 21 days notice is required. Please always try to give us as much notice as possible.

What measures are being taken to ensure the safety of your customers and crew?

You can be assured that the safety of our staff and customers is our primary concern

Are the trucks and movers equipped with hand sanitizers, masks and gloves?

All staff have been issued with their own Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). This includes masks, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer, soap and toolboxes.

What size are your vehicles?

We operate a range of purpose built removal vehicles and containers


Moving Company

Local & Long Distance Residential Moving

Quality, affordable moving services – regardless of the size of your home. With our help, you can focus on the things that really matter – like getting settled and meeting your new neighbors – and we’ll take care of the rest

Office & Commercial Moves

Whether you are moving your home office, professional practice, business, or an entire warehouse, we offer the help you need to relocate with minimal disruption of your business!

Packing, Crating & Moving Supplies

Packing and unpacking can be extremely time consuming, frustrating, and tedious. Let our expert packers help!



Most people don’t realize there is a preferable way to load a rental truck when moving household items. To ensure a safer, easier, and quicker move, load your heaviest possessions in an “I formation.”

Use tie-downs to help prevent your heaviest items from shifting. It’s also important to evenly balance the weight of your items on the truck bed.


It’s a good idea to keep small, valuable items with you in the cab, along with anything else you might need to quickly grab during your move.


Starting with the top of the “I formation,” place the heaviest objects — like your refrigerator and washer —in the front of the box truck.


Desks and dining room tables can go in the middle with heavy boxes underneath if there is enough clearance.


Place mattresses, box springs, and other large cushions along the left side of the box truck.


Sofas and couches can go on the right side of the truck, opposite your mattress and box spring.


Place additional heavy boxes in the center of the back of the truck in order to complete the “I formation.”

Dual Flush Toilet Installation And Kits

Toilet buying guide

If you don’t know your close coupled from your back to wall, or your wall hung from your high level, this expert toilet buying guide is the perfect place to begin.

With a range of designs to suit bathrooms big and small, there are so many options when it comes to buying a toilet. Why not take a quick look at our toilets are made?

What types of toilet are there?

There are all sorts of toilet designs available, each suiting different types of bathroom. To simplify things, we’ve categorised them into 3 main types.

Close coupled toilets

These are the most traditional types of toilet, with a floor standing unit and a visible cistern behind the seat. They are called “close coupled” because the cistern and bowl are closely coupled together, as opposed to the old-fashioned style where the cistern was set high above the toilet, as with some of more traditional suites (we’ll touch upon high level toilets later).

Flush mechanisms vary, from the traditional handle to the modern chrome button, and some may even provide options to adjust the flow of water.

Back to wall toilets

A more modern option, back to wall toilets are similar to close coupled toilets except that the cistern is concealed within a partition wall or a furniture unit. This style of toilet is great for a contemporary bathroom and can provide a space-saving option in a smaller ensuite or cloakroom.


Toilet Installation Cost

How Much Does It Cost to Install a Toilet?

If you have a functional bathroom in your home, then you also have at least one toilet in the house. Toilets are an integral part of most bathrooms in the US and serve to remove bodily waste products through a sewer or septic tank system.

Toilet Costs by Type

While a toilet may seem pretty straightforward, there are various types to choose from, and the type you select has a big impact on the final cost of your installation. Basic toilets can be purchased for just $100 – $300, but pressure-assisted toilets can cost much more, and eco-friendly waterless toilets are the most expensive of all.

Gravity-fed Toilet

Gravity-fed toilets are one of the most common types of toilet. They literally use gravity to pull the waste through the pipes along with large amounts of water. As water amounts per flush have dropped from 6 gallons to just around 1 gallon, however, they are often no longer effective. A gravity-fed toilet costs $100 on average

Vented Toilet

Vented or vacuum-assisted toilets push a gust of air through your vent pipe prior to opening for the waste. This gush of air creates a vacuum that pulls the waste through. This is a good solution for toilets on the first floor of a structure. They require a stack line, which must exceed the height of the roof by two feet in order to be effective. The average cost of a vented toilet is about $100.

Dual-flush Toilet

Dual-flush toilets are ideal for people who want to save water. They use a water-saving flush for liquids only and a standard flush for solid waste. They usually have two buttons in place of a lever, which is located on top of the tank to allow you to choose which flush you want. A dual-flush toilet costs about $180.


Things You Should Know How to Do Around the House

Plumbing powers the essential utilities in our homes and enables us to accomplish daily and essential tasks, such as shower, drink water, cook, wash hands, brush teeth, flush the toilet, clean, heat water, treat air and more.

Most people don’t give plumbing a second thought when it’s working right, but it is all we can think about if something goes wrong. A basic understanding of your plumbing system and the components that affect it will help you troubleshoot, do small repairs yourself, know when to call a plumber, be better prepared in a crisis and make informed decisions.

Recognize the Source of Your Water

Generally, water comes into a home from one of two sources: a residential well and private pump or a city water line. Most of the time, rural residents have well water that is carried into the home via a pump, and they do not receive a water bill. Urban residents have city water they pay for by gallons of usage and usually receive a monthly or quarterly bill.

Test Water Quality

It is always good to know what’s in the city or well water. Many people conduct tests when they move into a new place, but experts say to test well water at least once per year because much can change due to different supply or treatment, soil shifts and some processes used by agricultural or industrial businesses in the region.

Locate and Turn Off Your Water Main

Should your home spring some kind of leak, you will appreciate knowing right where to go and what to do to cut off the water instead of trying to find it while you’re panicked and water is spewing everywhere. There is almost always a main valve near the street, and sometimes a secondary in or around the house, such as in the basement. The water main usually resembles a wheel or bar-type lever. If it’s a wheel, you should turn it slowly clockwise until it stops. If it’s a lever, you push right (or down) until it stops.


Things To Know When Doing A Toilet Installation In New Construction

Toilet installation in new construction is often viewed as an intimidating job because of its complex process. But the truth is this task is much easier than you think.

In toilet replacement, you need to deal with old plumbing lines, removal of the old toilet and flooring tiles, and cleaning. These tasks are all physically demanding. But with toilet installation in new construction, everything is new which allows the licensed tradie to start the work as planned.

What toilet to purchase?

First on the list is the most important element in toilet installation – the toilet itself. The factors that must consider before purchasing a toilet are models, types, design, and height.

One-piece models are toilets with tank and bowl that are built together. Since it has a compact design, the one-piece toilet is easier to install and clean, consume small space, and low maintenance. It’s a plus that it has a lesser chance to encounter leaks or breaking as well.

Two-piece models are the toilet with tank and bowl that are built separately. This is a good toilet option if your bathroom has an odd-sized rough. You will only need to change the tanks size to fit it to your bathroom’s rough

There are four types of toilets that you can choose from, namely: back to wall, close coupled and wall hung pan.

The Back to wall toilet is designed with the cistern located behind the toilet’s pan and being concealed by a wall or the toilet unit itself. It is called back to wall because the back of this toilet’s pan rests the flush against the wall. The advantage of this toilet type is it is accessible for minor repair because the cistern is exposed.

The close coupled toilet is commonly the design of modern toilets. The design of this toilet is the pan and cistern are built together, and all the pipes are hidden inside the toilet’s unit. The advantage of this toilet type is its’ affordability and has a less complicated installation process.

The wall hung toilet is installed with the pan hung on the wall, while its’ cistern (and the rest of the pipes) rests in the wall cavity. The advantage of this type of toilet is it consumes less space and can easily adjust the height of the unit’s pan.

The factors that you must consider when it comes to toilet design are the flush’s handle location and shape of the bowl.

Convenience is the main reason why the location of the flush handle is important to be accessible. Flush handle is typically located on the left or right side of the toilet’s tank. But on the modern designs of toilets, you can now see the flush handle either on top of the toilet’s tank or in remote control.

For maximum comfort, you must choose the best shape of the bowl that fits your need. The available shapes of the bowl are elongated, U-shaped and round-front.


How to Repair a Toilet

Removing and replacing a toilet is not a task to be undertaken without good reason, but it is certainly not beyond your capabilities. When you can’t unclog the toilet by less drastic means, removing it is the answer. Maybe you want a more modern toilet, maybe the bowl or the tank is cracked or maybe the fixture leaks around its base. All of these situations call for removing and reinstalling the old toilet or installing a new fixture.

Although there’s nothing difficult about removing and replacing a toilet, local plumbing code may prohibit anyone but a licensed plumber from doing the job.

Measure the rough-in distance—the distance from the wall behind the bowl to the center of the toilet floor drain. Measure from the wall to the center of either of the two hold-down bolts, one on each side of the toilet, that hold the fixture to the floor. If there are two bolts on each side, measure to the center of the rear bolt.

Select the replacement toilet unit using the rough-in distance so that it will fit properly in your bathroom. You can replace your old toilet with a more modern fixture, but you must make sure that the new unit will fit into the space between the drainpipe and the wall. You can install a smaller unit, but you cannot put a larger toilet into a space that was occupied by a smaller fixture.

Shut off the water supply to the toilet tank, then remove all the water from both the tank and the bowl. Trip the flush handle to eliminate most of the water from the tank. Then soak up whatever water is left with a sponge. Bail out the water in the bowl with a small container, and then use a sponge to dry out the bowl completely.

Electrical Installation In The Industry

All You Need to Know About GFCI Outlets

What is a GFCI Outlet?

A ground fault circuit interrupter is a protective device specifically designed to break the circuit every time there is an imbalance between incoming and outgoing current. The GFCI outlet protects electrical wiring and receptacles from overheating and possible fire, greatly minimizing the risk of shock injuries and fatal burns. It also detects ground faults and disrupts the flow of current but should not be used to replace a fuse as it does not offer protection against short circuits and overloading.

How does a GFCI Outlet work?

The GFCI is integrated in the electrical outlet and constantly tracks the current flowing in a circuit to sense fluctuations in real-time. It has three holes: two of the holes are for neutral and hot wire and the third hole in the middle of the outlet serves as a ground wire. If it detects any change in the electrical flow in the circuit, it will immediately cut off the flow of electricity. So, if you are using a hair dryer for instance and it slips into a sink that is filled with water, the GFCI outlet will immediately sense the interruption and cut the power to ensure electrical safety in the bathroom and beyond.

Where is a GFCI Outlet Needed?

GFCI outlets are important, especially when the electrical outlets are positioned close to water. Installing GFCI outlets in your kitchen, bathrooms, laundry rooms, pool house etc., is a good idea. Apart from being an essential preventive measure, the law also requires you to have GFCI outlets installed throughout your home. According to National Electric Code (NEC), all homes must be equipped with GFCI protection. Initially, it was only required for you to install GFCI outlets near water but this requirement has been extended to cover all single phase outlets of 125 volts in recent years. GFCI outlets should also be installed on temporary wiring systems during construction, renovation or maintenance of structures that are using power temporarily.


Easy Steps For GFCI Outlet Installations

I didn’t prepare this GFCI outlet installation guide in 4 easy steps for conditions where everything is perfect and nothing can go wrong. That’s why it is a little longer than others.

GFCI – (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter)

So don’t start installing GFCI without reading description of items 1-4, it’s extremely important for your safety.

  • Disconnect power supply to the electrical outlet you are planning to remove and install GFCI receptacle Its place. The safest method is to turn off the main breaker in the electrical panel or remove the main fuse
  • Remove wires from an old electrical outlet
  • Correctly install wires on the new GFCI receptacle terminals
  • Secure the new GFCI receptacle in place, install GFCI receptacle cover plate and test installation

The minimum required tools for this 4 step GFCI outlet installation are:

  • The table lamp – for testing (or some other devices like those on my picture)
  • The screwdriver (flat and Philips recommended)
  • Electrical tape – to insulate GFCI receptacle terminals
  • Electrical pliers and wire strippers – this might not be necessary, but in some cases it will make this GFCI installation much easier
  • Wire nuts and 6″ of #14 or #12 copper wire – if some slightly more advanced testing or installation is necessary


Replacing a GFCI Outlet Yourself

Replacing an existing outlet at the end of a circuit (as explained above) is not particularly difficult, but the task requires some experience. You should understand how outlets are wired and how electrical current travels from the breaker panel through each electrical circuit (wiring loop) in your home. Some communities prohibit homeowners from doing their own wiring, so check with your local building authority before you start.


Shut off the power to the outlet by turning off the circuit breaker (at the breaker panel) that provides electricity to the outlet. A good way to ensure that the power is off is to plug a nightlight into the outlet and turn it on, then shut off the breaker. If the nightlight does not go off, you’ve got the wrong breaker—try again.


Remove the outlet cover with a flat screwdriver. You’ll probably need a helper to hold a flashlight for you now, since the overhead light might also be off.


Remove the old outlet from the outlet box using a Phillips screwdriver. The outlet is typically held in place by two screws at the top and two at the bottom. When the screws are removed, the outlet will hang freely—the only things holding it are the attached wires.


Remove the three attached wires, which are held in place with Phillips screws. Note the color of the screws and the color of the wires.

Black (hot) wire connects to a brass or gold screw on one side.

White (neutral) wire connects to a silver screw on the opposite side.

Green or copper (ground) wire connects at the bottom of the outlet to a green screw.


Attach the new GFCI outlet in the same way you disconnected the old outlet, making sure the wires attach to the screws using the above color-coded method. The GFCI outlet will also have two additional screws on the bottom sides, and these screws will be covered by a piece of tape. Leave the tape in place—these screws are for use by an electrician who is replacing an outlet in an advanced wiring situation.


Fasten the new GFCI outlet to the outlet box with Phillips screws (use the same holes).


Position the new GFCI outlet cover over the outlet and attach it with flat screws. A new outlet cover is necessary because the cover of a standard outlet will not fit a GFCI outlet.


Turn the circuit breaker back on.


Press the “Reset” button on the front of the GFCI outlet to turn it on and plug the nightlight in to test it.

STEP 10:

Leave the nightlight in and then press the “Test” button. The nightlight should go off, which tells you that the GFCI outlet is working as intended. If it’s not working, it’s time to call the electrician.


What is a Ground Fault?

A “ground-fault” represents any electric path between a source of current and a grounded surface. A ground-fault occurs when current is “leaking” and escaping to the ground. How this occurs is significant. If your body provides a path to the ground for this leakage, you could be injured, burned, severely shocked, or electrocuted. Since water conducts electricity, ground-faults are especially common in areas where water can provide a conduit for electricity to “escape” and find an alternate path to the ground.


Self-Testing Your Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

It is recommended that GFCI outlet should be tested every month and replaced every decade. You can follow these simple steps to test if the circuit interrupter is working properly:

  • The face of the GFCI outlet features two small buttons that are labeled test and reset. Simply press the test button and this will trigger a snap sound which indicates that the outlet has tripped.
  • Once the power trips, you can check the efficiency of the GFCI unit using a voltage meter.
  • Now plug in a device into the outlet and when it stops working, press the test button so you can be sure of the safety mechanism.
  • Once you know the CFGI outlet is working at peak efficiency, you can press the reset button and the circuit interrupter will be turned on once again.

While these DIY instructions are easy-to-follow, they do require that you are familiar with and understand the functioning of your home’s electrical system. It is always recommended to work with a certified electrician who can ensure that your system is in compliance with relevant codes so your home remains guarded against electric fires.

Let A Dermatologist Help You Care For Your Skin

Practicing social distancing? Don’t let your skin care regimen take a back seat

When you aren’t going into the office or leaving the comfort of your home, you might be neglecting your regular beauty routine.

“Not only is it important to practice for your personal hygiene, but taking care of your skin and hair helps you to stay put-together and motivated throughout the day,” explained Marmur

Remember to put on sunscreen

You may be spending most of your time practicing social distancing, but Marmur stresses the importance of getting some fresh air when you can — and wearing sunscreen.

Invisible Shield Full Physical Sunscreen

This broad-spectrum sunscreen defends against environmental aggressors like harmful rays and pollution, which can lead to premature aging. It absorbs quickly and has a weightless feel, meaning you can wear it without feeling that sticky residue

Use gentle products

“Being indoors can actually be a new environment for your skin, so you’re probably breaking out,” noted Marmur. “So make sure you hydrate, that’s really good for your body in general — and then use products that are really gentle on your skin.”


How to Get Rid of Acne: Skin Care Tips from Dermatologists

It can take years — and dozens of trips to the dermatologist — to discover how to get rid of acne on your unique skin. Everyone has unique skin types, skin tones, lifestyles, and genetic histories that make it impossible to have a single piece of one-size-fits-all advice. But here at Teen Vogue, we’ve pretty much made it our life mission to figure out the best tips from the pros to point you in the right direction. We’ve seen it all and won’t recommend skincare products or acne treatments unless they’re backed up by experience and science.

Wash Your Face Daily

The first and most important rule isn’t groundbreaking: Remember to wash your face! Cleansing and treating your skin twice a day is the best way to keep breakouts away. For those emergencies when you’re just too tired to wash your face, keep a stash of face wipes in the drawer of your nightstand. This way if you get home super late and don’t feel like going all the way to the sink, you can still go to bed with clean skin!

Use the Right Face Cleanser

Buying a generic face wash won’t necessarily improve your complexion. For a cleanser to be most effective, you have to pay attention to your skin’s needs and pick the ingredients accordingly. If your skin tends to be oily, choose products with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or glycolic acid. For sensitive skin, look for gentle cleansers with lactic acid or hydrating ingredients like glycerin, which aren’t as drying as those made for oilier types.

Don’t Over-Exfoliate Your Skin

Scrubbing your face daily with grainy cleansers and exfoliating products can do more harm than good. When done too often, it can cause redness, inflammation, and irritation. “Exfoliating a pimple can pull away healthy skin cells and create an open wound and higher risk for scarring,” says Jessica Weiser, MD, from New York Dermatology Group. “Exfoliation should be done with caution, and not more than 2-3 times a week maximum.”

Regularly Change Your Face Towel

When you think about it, consistently reaching for your go-to face towel every day is like reusing a dinner napkin over and over again. Using dirty towels can harbor bacteria, and they can even introduce new bacteria to your skin, which may lead to more pimples. Thankfully, this doesn’t mean you need to reach for a new towel every single time you wash your face, according to Dr. Melissa Kanchanapoomi Levin, board-certified NYC dermatologist and clinical instructor at NYU Langone and Mount Sinai Hospital. As long as you’re truly washing off all of your makeup, you can stick to switching out your towels on a weekly basis


QualDerm-affiliated Dermatologist Discusses Team Building Tips in the Dermatology Times

“I think, as is the case with any line of work, [the team] has to run smoothly or the simplest tasks become difficult,” says Kevin Stein, M.D., of Winston-Salem, N.C. “If things are running smoothly, I can see 40 patients. It’s a fantastic day, I get out on time and the patients are well served and pleased. If we’re not running efficiently and doing our jobs effectively, I think most doctors can agree, we might see 25 patients and have a difficult day. It just makes our lives and our patients’ care more effective if things do run smoothly, and we work as a team.”


The PA or NP needs to be, to some degree, a clone of the doctor, in terms of how the doctor manages and treats patients, according to Dr. Pariser.


Dr. Stein says his PAs are typically in outlying clinics seeing patients. “The physician assistants see mostly the ‘bread and butter’ of dermatology: rashes, they do skin cancer checks,” he says. “But I review all the charts. I know that’s not a requirement but it’s something I like to do to oversee the care of the patient.”


“The goal of the care team should be to allow the dermatologist to do what she or he does best, which is make a diagnosis and establish treatment plans,” Dr. Pariser says. “Then, somebody else can do the minor procedures that might be needed—the biopsy, specimen collection, patch test, etc. Somebody else can give the patient the explanation, do the hand holding and have the face time, which patients appreciate in order to get the best results of their treatment.”


“We use medical assistants very rigorously. We have trained, what we call ‘dermatology technicians,’ who are above and beyond the average medical assistant. Ours have had two years’ of training in our practice and who we delegate very specific tasks,” Dr. Pariser says.



All of the most commonly used general dermatology texts start out with the basic science of skin, with good reason.

Understanding the function of important molecules and molecular structures is key to understanding many dermatologic disorders.  For that reason, the correlation between pathophysiology and clinical findings make this topic a favorite for second and third-order questions on the boards.

If you are looking for additional study resources and have not done so already, visit Next Steps in Derm’s sister site – Derm In-Review.  Derm In-Review is a complete collection of board study materials – and one of the top choices for Derm residents!

Studying for the upcoming Board exam? As we all know, it’s a stressful task that can feel daunting at times. However, residents need not fear; with the proper resources and good study habits you can feel well-prepared for this exam


Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin

Sometimes it may seem like your skin is impossible to manage, especially when you wake up and find a huge zit on your nose or a cold sore at the corner of your mouth. The good news is that there are ways to prevent and treat common skin problems


A pimple starts when the pores in the skin become clogged with a type of oil called sebum, which normally lubricates the skin and hair. Acne is common during puberty when hormones go into overdrive, causing the skin to overproduce sebum. Because many oil-producing glands are on the forehead, nose, and chin, this area — the T-zone — is where a person is most prone to pimples.

Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne. Gently massage your face with circular motions. Don’t scrub. Overwashing and scrubbing can cause skin to become irritated. After cleansing, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends applying an over-the-counter (no prescription needed) lotion containing benzoyl peroxide.

Don’t pop pimples. It’s tempting, but here’s why you shouldn’t: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring. If you notice a pimple coming before a big event, like the prom, a dermatologist can often treat it for you with less risk of scarring or infection.

Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like your phone. Touching your face can spread the bacteria that cause pores to become inflamed and irritated. To keep bacteria at bay, wash your hands before applying anything to your face, such as treatment creams or makeup.

If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose

Know About Hiring Professional Move In Cleaning Services


Moving into or out of a home is the mark of an exciting transition in life, but it can be a very stressful time. There’s so much to take care of, with everything from packing to decorating your new home and everything in between. One of the biggest pains of moving is cleaning your former or new house to prepare it for sale or the big move-in day.

Whether you’re moving into or out of a new home, Radiant Home Cleaning Services will take care of the mess for you! Radiant Home Cleaning offers move-in and move-out residential cleaning services for empty homes in the Northern VA region. We believe that a cleaning company should not just simply “clean” a home or apartment, but offer a well-defined, trustworthy service that pays attention to the little details. We will thoroughly clean your new or previous home with this approach to make your moving experience as smooth and worry-free as possible.

When scheduling a Move-In or Move-Out Cleaning on our booking form, select “One-Time” as the frequency, and fill out the details of the house on the booking form. Select “Upgrade to Premium” as an add-on if you would like to upgrade to our Premium Package.

Classic Cleaning fits you if:

The home was maintained, so there’s only mild to moderate build up in the kitchen, bathrooms, and floors

The new home is newly constructed or freshly remodeled and just needs a spruce-up cleaning before moving in or out

The house was cleaned by previous owners/tenants, but after all the tours and inspections, you just need to clean it up one more time

You have a tighter budget but need to satisfy the conditions of your sale or lease (NOTE: If you just need to satisfy the conditions of a sale or lease, we can provide a Classic Cleaning to fit your budget. However, if we recommend a Premium Cleaning based on the state of the home, we cannot guarantee the results of the cleaning if you opt for the Classic Cleaning)

Premium Cleaning fits you if:

The home was not cleaned regularly, and there is build up in the kitchen (grease, crumbs, fingerprints), bathrooms (soap scum, mildew, fingerprints, etc.), and floors (bugs, shoe prints, splatters, hair/fur) NOTE: For homes that have been improperly maintained, cleaning results will not bring the condition of the home to “like-new” status and we can’t guarantee that all stains will come out of surfaces. Our teams will inform you on what they can realistically achieve.

The house is newly constructed or renovated and it has NOT been cleaned (AKA it is a Post-Construction Cleaning). NOTE: we require a walkthrough visit prior to providing Post-Construction cleaning. Please read more here (add link to Post Construction page)

The previous owner or tenant did not get the house professionally cleaned.


Printable Move-in Cleaning Checklist For Your “New” Old House

Are you a new owner of an old house?  Itching to grab those house keys at closing, unlock the door to the house of your dreams and start unloading that moving truck? While I appreciate (and share) your enthusiasm, you might want to first consider deep cleaning your old house before moving in.  Get rid of all that old dirt first.  Then make sure it’s shiny and new to you!  And I’ll help you get it squeaky clean with a Move-In Cleaning Checklist.

I was chomping at the bit to unload, unpack and start my new life. But the house needed to be cleaned.  The last owners were good people, but they were focused on their new house and not on cleaning out the house they were passing on to us.

Moving Into an Old House Cleaning Checklist

Not sure where to start?  Feeling overwhelmed? That’s exactly how I felt. But if you know me, then you know that I’m a list girl.  Always making lists.  Grocery lists.  Christmas presents list.  To-do list.  Bucket list. Having checklists gives me the feeling of being in control.

General Old House Cleaning Tips

Before we dive into the checklist section by section, here’s a few general tips to help ease your cleaning tasks.

Apply Tile & Grout Cleaner to Shower

I hate grout.  It’s so hard to keep white!  And there’s a good chance your new “old” shower and tub doesn’t have the squeakiest clean tile and grout.


Moving in cleaning checklist: How to clean a new home before you move in

When you’re moving into a new home, one of the very first things you need to do is give the entire house or apartment a thorough clean – for your comfort and for your peace of mind. Of course, it’s best to complete this moving in cleaning task before your household items arrive so that the endless piles of cardboard boxes won’t get in your way.

To clean your new house or apartment before you move in, you’re going to need to follow a good moving in cleaning checklist. As an added bonus, such a move in cleaning checklist will enable you to finish that not-so-exciting chore much faster and easier than you ever expected.

The bathroom

The bathroom will be the room you will need most urgently while you’re moving in, right after your movers depart. You’ll desperately want to take a refreshing shower or a relaxing bath when Moving day is almost over, so roll up your sleeves and get down to work.

Clean the exhaust fans first because they can be rather dusty.

Replace the toilet seat and cover. It’s not worth the time and efforts to clean thoroughly the seat and cover of your toilet when you can replace them with brand new ones that are perfectly clean and fairly inexpensive as well.

Use a specialized cleaner to scrub the bathroom shower or tub.

Remove the old shower curtains, if still there, and hang yours in their place. This way, you won’t have to worry about how clean (understand how dirty) the old shower curtains may be.

Don’t forget to clean up the areas that are often neglected during the house cleaning process – the inside and outside of the medicine cabinet, the tiny area behind the toilet bowl, and the zone in the shower recess.

Take a closer look at the sink faucets, and if they happen to be too dirty or too worn out, then do consider replacing them with new ones.

Scrub all surfaces and bathroom fixtures – walls, doors, towel racks and light fixtures using an all-purpose cleaner to ensure a cleaner and fresher look of the entire bathroom.

Wipe the bathroom mirror clean using a glass cleaning product.

Finally, vacuum the bathroom floor to remove any accumulated filth and dust, then mop it until it shines.

The bedroom

The new house cleaning checklist takes you to the bedroom – the very room you will desperately need to use right after you’ve taken a bath or a shower in the bathroom. The thing is, after surviving the most stressful and exhausting day of your house move, you’ll want to set up your bed and have a rest or simply go to sleep if it’s already late in the evening.


Moving House? Cleaning Tips for Before You Move In

So, you have just gone through all the admin of buying a house or finding a new rental. You’ve packed up, got the movers ready, all the paperwork sorted, the last thing you will have on your mind is whether your new place is clean or not.

With any luck the previous owners or tenants would have given the place a good clean before you move in, but unfortunately, this is never really the case. Cleaning a house when you move in is often not thought of during the excitement, and can get forgotten. Moving house can be a fresh start, and what better way to start than by sorting the place and making it your own.

Taking the time to give your new place a thorough clean before you move in will save time, effort and be much less stressful than when everything is moved in. Before you get stuck in, here are a couple of tips that will make a world of difference when tackling a full house clean.

Make sure you have all your cleaning supplies ready to go. The last thing you want is to have to stop cleaning to run to the shops.

Open spaces with no furniture in the way make cleaning easier, and more comfortable – so get onto cleaning before the movers get there, especially carpet cleaning.

Playing music while you clean will keep your mood upbeat, and podcasts or audiobooks take you mind off the task completely.

One of the most efficient ways to make sure your new place is clean from roof to floors is to work through it methodically. Breaking the cleaning down by rooms can make the task feel manageable and easy to delegate to family or friends.


Renting? Here’s What You Have to Clean Before You Unpack!

Whenever you are moving into a new apartment or a house, there is a high chance that someone lived there before you. Unless you know for yourself that space is brand new, then you can’t trust your landlord 100%. With that in mind, as a new tenant, you will be extra cautious the first week or so, until you adjust to the new living space. One of the best ways to accept your new house as a home is to take care of it before you even move in. Things like cleaning, changing some sanitary appliances and reordering the way the furniture is, in order to suit your personal taste are all great examples of first to-do things.

Why Deep Cleaning is Important Before Moving in

Not only deep cleaning your new home is good for getting to know the place, it’s also a pretty good way to sanitize the place that you’re going to live in.

Making a List

We mentioned above that it’s very important to have a plan before you start to deep clean the house. That’s why we created the Fantastic Deep Clean To-Do List!

Scout the house

Before you start doing any cleaning scout the place. Try to find the hidden dirty spots and mark them on paper. Look under beds, behind couches, and most importantly behind any kitchen appliances. You’d be surprised how dirty behind the oven can be.

Make a plan

It’s easy to start, but often times you’ll find yourself trying to keep away from areas that you’ve already cleaned, but you need to use. That’s why it’s important to know when to start from. This varies from house to house, because of the layout, so it’s on you to figure it out.

Do the dirtiest things first

Before you vacuum and dust the place, you should do the dirtiest things first. Clean behind furniture and any other places that you’ve found in Step 2!

Things That You Have to Throw Away When Moving In

A new home may be a new start for you, or not. However, it should always be a second life for the house or apartment.

The Best Move Out Cleaning You’ll Ever Have

Reasons Move Out Cleaning Services Will Make Your Life Easier

Buying a new home or moving into a new rental can be an exciting yet stressful time. Life never seems to slow down as you’re juggling work, family, commitments, and packing for a big move.

Focus on Unpacking in Your New Home

Unpacking, organizing, and getting settled in your new home is a challenge in itself. It may take a week or more to unpack your boxes and feel settled in your new place.

Deep Cleaning Takes Time and Energy

The task of deep cleaning of dirt and grime in corners, cabinets, under furniture, and high on shelves is not for the faint of heart. It requires scrubbing, reaching high and low, and can take a significant amount of your precious time

Move Out Cleaning Is Essential for Out of State Moves

The truck is packed, you’re hitting the road, and there’s no time to clean up what’s left behind. No problem. Before you move, schedule move out cleaners to deep clean your home behind you. When time is of the essence, professional cleaners offer the relief you need

Offer the New Occupants a Fresh Start

There’s nothing worse than arriving with excitement to a new place to discover you need to clean before you can unpack. Give the new tenants the gift of a fresh start by hiring professional moving out cleaning in Colorado Springs. This offers goodwill to the new occupants and you’ll have more time and energy to focus on your fresh start.


How to Clean an Apartment for a Move-Out

Moving into a new apartment is a hard but fun and exciting process. However, you still have obligations to your old landlord, the largest of which is cleaning your empty apartment. Landlords want to rent out your old unit as soon as possible, therefore, you need to deep clean the apartment before your move-out inspection. If you don’t, you risk losing your security deposit. You might also risk losing your credibility if you ever need to use your past landlord as a reference. Apartment Guide tells you how to clean for a move-out.

Cleaning list

The landlord will likely have provided you with a list (in writing) of exactly what you need to clean in order to get your security deposit back. Every lease is different regarding expectations. Some will say “professionally clean the carpets” and others will simply require you to vacuum. So it’s important to read the list carefully to make sure you don’t miss anything. If you’ve misplaced the list, ask for another copy from your apartment manager. They will be happy to know you intend to comply.

What’s typically on the list

The list will typically include fans, fan blades, blinds, baseboards, carpets and many things you don’t clean every day. Knowing what is expected of you makes things much easier and increases your chances of getting your full security deposit back.

Dents and dings

Before you go about deep-cleaning your unit, you’ll also want to repair things like small holes in the wall, broken blinds, burnt out bulbs, and chipped paint.

How to deep-clean an apartment

Apartment cleaning is not glamorous but it’s worth knowing how to do right. Start at the top of the room with your ceiling, fan and fan blades. From there, move onto the walls, shelving, windows, blinds, and baseboards. End with the flooring. You want to start from the top so you’re only cleaning everything one time.


What is End of Tenancy Cleaning

We are sure you have many questions that you do not know the answers and we will try to cover all aspects of After tenancy cleaning. No matter in which city you live, the landlords’ requirements are almost the same when it comes to the condition in which you have to leave your home after your departure. To make sure you get your deposit back take some time to read the next lines. Especially for you, we have gathered all the necessary information about Post tenancy cleaning. The first thing to start with is to clarify what exactly means the term “End of tenancy cleaning”.

What is End of Tenancy Cleaning

“When you move into a new property, it’s most likely very clean on your first visit. Tenants have a right to receive a clean and hygienic property, but they must also ensure the standard is maintained for the remainder of their tenancy.

Most people don’t do deep cleaning on a weekly basis and that counts double in the months before their moving date. However, when moving out, tenants need to make sure the property is just as clean as it was when they first moved in. Since moving is an already tense, both tenants and landlords turn to the services industry to fill in that role.

What does end of tenancy cleaning include?

The cleaning of the entrance and the hallways requires more caution because these areas are heavily polluted. Here it is necessary to pay special attention to the floor, which is often irreversibly contaminated by shoe marks.

Kitchen cleaning

Cleaning the kitchen is one of the most unpleasant parts of every housewife’s work. Removing saturated fat and dirt from kitchen utensils and countertops is not only an unpleasant task but is also extremely difficult to implement without professional preparations. The cleaning of kitchens can be external, which includes cleaning of countertops, electric appliances, sink, floor, lighting fixtures, cabinets, etc. and internal – cleaning of all electrical appliances or a part of them (stoves, refrigerators, microwave, aspirators, etc.) and internal cleaning of cabinets.



Moving is a big job. In fact, many people say that moving is one of the most stressful and exhausting life experiences. Getting your things in order, changing your address, scheduling transportation and moving services, perhaps changing school systems, or going through a simultaneous career adjustment⁠—it can all present a massive amount of work. On top of it all, you have to make sure the home you’re leaving is clean (either to get your security deposit back for your apartment or to help ensure your house can sell) and that your new home is ready for move-in day.

This is where our move out cleaning experts can help you remove one burden from your to-do list.

Let the experts remove the burden of pre- and post-move cleaning from your to-do list. By nature, moving is messy. Our expert cleaning crews can make sure that your new home or the one you’re leaving looks spotless and sparkling with our move in and move out cleaning services.


The Importance Of Move-In Move-Out Cleaning

Whether you are moving in or out from a house, apartment, or office, cleaning the area will be inevitable. But do you have enough time and energy to do it on your own? If not, the smart choice to make is hiring a professional move in & move out cleaning service.

Moving Out From an Apartment or Old House

There are plenty of reasons why people move to a new house or apartment. It could be the place is nearer to your new workplace or you just want to have a fresh start. However, it is stated in your lease contract that you can only get your safety deposit once you leave the area in a clean and presentable condition.

Move In Cleaning Service – for Landlords

For landlords, if you do not have enough cleaners to effectively clean the newly emptied spaces in your apartment or office, the perfect solution is hiring a move in and out cleaning service.

Move In Cleaning Service – for New Renters

Meanwhile, for new renters of an apartment or house, you need to consider hiring an apartment move in cleaning service. Why? Because you have no solid assurance that the previous renters of the house have deep cleaned all corners, sinks, and countertops in the area.

What Are the Expected Inclusions for Move In & Move Out Cleaning Service

Before hiring any residential move our cleaning service, it is best to ask what are the inclusions for their service or package. Ask if they perform either spring, deep cleaning, or both. Moreover, ask for a free estimate of the job and how many cleaners are expected to be working on it.

The Importance Of A Car Accident Lawyer When You Have Been In A Car Accident

Car Accident Lawyers

Who are suddenly faced with the consequences of an accident don’t have to go it alone. In this time of crisis, the experienced car and auto accident lawyers, we can help you and your family find the tools you need to recover and become whole again.

There are so many things that can go wrong on the road. Even if you are an extremely careful driver, you cannot control the actions of other drivers. The lawyers are here to make sure negligent and careless drivers are held accountable for their devastating mistakes.

If I am injured in a car crash., what can a lawyer do for me?

An experienced accident lawyer will be able to gather important evidence and accident details and assemble them into a clear and concise argument for monetary recovery. Your car accident lawyer will quantify all the ways the accident has affected your life and seek an official amount of compensation from ICBC and any other insurance companies involved. Your lawyer is, most importantly, the guardian of your rights and a spokesperson for your interests.

Who will pay to fix my damaged vehicle?

If you were injured in an auto accident that was not your fault, you should have to pay nothing out of pocket, or in some cases only a deductible amount. ICBC should cover the repair cost of your vehicle from the careless driver’s and/or your own policy.

How do I know if ICBC is offering a fair settlement?

It may be easy to assess the value of your automobile and/or resulting damages. But most people are unaware of just how much their medical bills will amount to, over time. An experienced car accident claims lawyer will present a fair monetary assessment based on your current treatment needs, lost income, and potential future medical expenses.



Car accidents can change your life dramatically. These accidents are not just scary, they can cause physical and emotional damages as well. If you have been injured in a car crash

The cause of the car accident may have some impact on the type of car accident that occurs, as well as the severity of the car accident. Not only can car accidents involve different types of vehicles and victims – i.e. motorcycle accidents, bicycle accident, pedestrian accidents, tractor-trailer accidents, etc. – but they can also happen in a variety of different manners. Some of the most common types of car accidents include

Head-on collisions. Head-on collisions are one of the least common types of accidents, yet one of the most deadly. When a head-on collision occurs, victims are at risk of sustaining severe injuries, some of which may be fatal.

Rear-end collisions. Completely the opposite of the above, rear-end collisions are quite common, and rarely result in traumatic injuries. However, they should not be taken lightly; if a rear-end collisions occurs while vehicles are traveling at a high speed, they can be deadly.

Sideswipe crashes. A sideswipe accident occurs when two vehicles are traveling next to each other in the same direction, and are common when one vehicle attempts to change lanes without seeing an approaching or parallel vehicle.


Car Accident Lawyers

Why Hire a Lawyer?

Hiring an experienced car accident lawyer will help you get the most out of your case and protect your legal rights. Don’t worry about lost wages, medical bills, or dealing with the insurance companies. Our Pittsburgh auto accident attorneys take care of every aspect of your case – collecting evidence, as well as handling the complex claims process and confusing paperwork

Can’t Work? Dealing With Expenses?

Car accident victims often find medical bills piling up at a time when injuries make it impossible for them to work. The financial chaos this causes is overwhelming and can make it tempting to accept a quick, low-ball settlement. Don’t do it. Our Pittsburgh car accident lawyers will determine who’s liable for your injuries and fight to get you the maximum amount of compensation the law allows.

Experiencing Pain and Suffering?

A car accident can change your life in an instant. But how do you attach a dollar amount to the pain and suffering that impacts your quality of life? You need a Pittsburgh auto accident attorney who knows the ins and outs of Pennsylvania law. You also need an attorney and legal team that will treat you and your family with respect, compassion, and caring during this stressful and challenging time in your life. We work to recover fair compensation for mental anguish, discomfort, inconvenience, stress, embarrassment, humiliation, and disfigurement as well as to compensate the victim’s spouse for lost companionship if that applies

Dealing With the Insurance Companies?

Think the insurance company is on your side? Don’t be fooled! Insurance companies are in business to make money and that may mean denying your claim or offering you a low-ball settlement. Here’s our advice: When it comes to the insurance company, don’t say anything or sign anything.  Our experienced Pittsburgh car accident lawyers stand up to the army of attorneys at big insurance companies – we know their tricks.


Top-Rated Auto Injury Attorney | Car Accident Lawyer

In the blink of an eye, any driver on the road can find themselves in a life-changing accident resulting in anything from scrapes and bruises to major injury and death. In the event of an accident, having the right legal representation can make an enormous difference in securing the coverage you need to compensate for accident-related damages.

Knowing your rights and being able to advocate for yourself legally in the wake of an accident is no easy task. We can help. If you get into a car crash or are the surviving family member of a loved one who has recently died in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation.

List Of Common Causes Of Auto Accidents

Car accidents in the United States can be influenced by a variety of factors, ranging from personal driving behavior to factors outside our immediate control—such as poor road conditions and the behavior of other drivers

Common Injuries That Result From Car Accidents

Motor vehicles are large and heavy objects that can, in some cases, offer protection in the event of a crash. However, they can also wreak significant damage, causing harm to yourself, a passenger, or any property through direct or indirect contact

Types Of Car Accident Claims

The types of legal options available to you in the aftermath of a car accident may to some extent depend on state and local laws.



Every year, thousands of people are injured in car accidents. If you’re injured in the area, a car accident lawyer at Riddle & Brantley can help. These injuries often lead to significant medical bills, missed time at work and even permanent disability. If the accident was the result of negligent actions of another person, accident victims may be eligible to recover compensation through a legal claim

If you sustain injuries in a car accident, you’ll not only need to address your medical needs but may also need to handle insurance claims, police investigations, and other legal entanglements. If another person or party caused your accident due to negligence, you may be able to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. While it is technically possible to represent your own interests in court

Car accident claims can be complex. A car accident lawyer can take care of all the elements of your claim and allow you to focus on recovery. The attorneys at Riddle & Brantley know how to handle car accident claims, whether they involve legal action against a negligent individual, organization, or manufacturer. Your attorney will gather the necessary evidence to strengthen your claim and handle all interactions with insurance companies. Most importantly, your car accident attorney is prepared to fight for justice on your behalf in settlement negotiations and, if necessary, in a trial.

Results for Victims of Auto Accidents

He results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.

Learn About The Latest Bathroom Remodelling Trends

Are you thinking of renovating your bathroom?

How to get started

So you want to transform your damp, dilapidated bathroom into a modern masterpiece? Here’s how you get started.

Pull all of your ideas together 

Take a look at the amazing bathrooms and powder rooms in our collections. Like that massive showerhead? Save the image. Want his and her sinks? Find a few examples and save them. In addition to helping you form an idea of what you want your bathroom to look like, a collection of your ideas is an extremely useful to a designer. They can distill your ideas into your dream bathroom

Decide how much you’re willing to spend 

Whether you’re planning a massive renovation or just updating your shower, you’ll need to sit down and think carefully about how much you’re willing to spend. It can help to think of renovations as an investment – regardless of whether or not you’re intending to sell. To start, decide how you’re going to actually pay for the project. Then, review each item going into the renovation and try to find a price for it. This is a good way to eliminate costly, unnecessary extras.

Put a plan in place

With your ideas in hand and a budget mapped out, it’s time to speak to a designer and have a chat about timelines. The key thing here is figuring out what you’ll do while the bathroom is out of commission. If you’ve got another bathroom you’ll be fine, but you may need to pop around to a friend’s house for showers for a while!


3 Things Nobody Tells You About Renovating Your Bathroom

How much does a bathroom remodel cost? More than you think.

Think you can remodel your bathroom head to toe for a couple thousand dollars? We hate to tell you: the average cost of a bathroom remodel was $11,364 in 2016, according to the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA). A basic, low-grade renovation with less expensive materials or smaller swaps could run from $1,500 to $5,000, while a top-of-the-line, tip-to-toe renovation could run up to $23,000.

NKBA estimates that, broken down, most of this cost comes from fixtures and plumbing (about 29 percent), followed by counters and surfaces (21 percent), labor (20 percent), and cabinetry and hardware (16 percent). Keep in mind: they advise that, all told, your bathroom project should cost no more than 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value.

You may want to rethink that statement-making bathtub.

You may be tempted to upgrade your bathroom with a dramatic freestanding bath. But it might not be the most practical choice going forward, particularly if you’re petite, hate cleaning, have an old rickety house, like to take long baths, or take more showers than baths.

Flattering lighting requires planning.

Don’t think you can install a few lights and call it a day: because bathrooms are sometimes small and/or dark and filled with mirrors (which complicates how light bounces around), lighting requires careful thought and placement. The simplest way to light a bath is a single diffuse light in the center of the ceiling. Have a bathroom that’s already pretty bright? A pair of wall sconces should be sufficient. Thinking about ceiling-inset downlights? Place with care: avoid installing directly over light-colored countertops (since those will reflect the lights), and place close to the wall over a vanity to maximize light when looking in the mirror. And if you spend a lot of time applying makeup, consider vertical fluorescent light fixtures on either side of the mirror.


Budget Considerations

1- Evaluate Your Finances

Although you can research the average bathroom remodeling cost for your area, every remodeling project is unique. How much a homeowner actually spends will vary depending on the size of the space, the intensity of the project, and the quality of materials used. Before starting your remodel, examine what you think you can spend and then ask for an estimate from several contractors. Set realistic expectations for yourself.

2- Consider The Essentials

A bathroom remodel price tag will range depending on what you plan to replace and what accessories you plan to include. If you want to design on a dime, cut the extras out of your renovation plan. The little luxuries are nice and really polish a space, but aren’t essential to the room’s functionality.

3- Add A Little More Than You Think You’ll Need

When it comes to plumbing, it often seems that what can go wrong, will go wrong. There’s lots of room for plumbing issues to arise and increase the cost of your bathroom renovation, so it’s smart to leave a cushion in your budget for any surprises.

4-Payment Options

There are many ways to foot the bill for a bathroom remodel. A home equity loan is a popular option because it can be tax deductible. Other options include refinancing, no-equity loans, Federal Housing Administration loans, personal loans, loans from retirement plans, borrowing against life insurance policies, and your personal savings.

5- Stay On Track

Once your budget has been finalized, keep up with remodeling costs in a spreadsheet to make sure you’re staying on track. You can keep yourself and your contractor accountable to the agreed upon budget by tracking actual spending against budgeted amounts.


Choose the type of bathroom

Bathrooms come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and layouts. Chances are, you probably won’t change the type of bathroom when you go to remodel. However, it’s a good idea to look at all your options before you set your ideas in stone (or grout!).  An experienced interior designer can help you see possibilities that you might have missed. For instance, a cramped half bath could be transformed into a luxurious master suite just by borrowing some space from a walk-in closet or bedroom.

Standard Bathroom

A standard bathroom or full bath is one that contains a sink, toilet, and a bath, shower, or both. Some older homes were designed with just one full bathroom that the entire family was meant to share.

Master en-suites have the same basic features but are accessed via the master bedroom. Homeowners remodeling or adding a master suite often go for a luxurious spa-like vibe. Think skylights, a soaking tub, and separate steam shower. A properly designed master suite can be a rejuvenating escape at home.

In most cases, a master suite can be added on to a home if one doesn’t already exist. That can free up the existing standard bath for family use and can eliminate long lines at morning shower time.

Half bath

A half bath, or powder room, is a small space that has only a sink and a toilet. If you live in an older Seattle home that has only one full bath, your life could really improve by adding a half bath. If you have guests over for dinner, they can use the powder room and not have to invade your personal bathroom space. Likewise, if you have house guests staying over, it can take some of the pressure off your main bath if you’re all trying to get ready at the same time in the morning.

One of the best things about a half bath is that it doesn’t require a big footprint. We’ve fit half baths in the tightest of spots, including closets and unused corners. Adding a half bath can be an easy way to boost the value of your home as well as make your life easier.

Wet bathroom

A wet bath is a type of full bathroom where the shower isn’t in a separate cubicle or behind a curtain. Wet baths  are completely waterproofed, including the floor, cabinets, and walls.

Creating a wet room is one of my favorite approaches to bathroom design. It can look sleek and modern, without any cumbersome shower doors to get in the way. But it is also eminently practical. Because they are fully waterproofed, you don’t have to give a second thought to water splashing on the floor or walls. Wet baths also lend themselves well to universal design principals because there are no curbs or other obstacles that keep someone with limited mobility from passing safely into and out of the shower.

Another advantage of wet baths is that they make efficient use of space. If you are remodeling or adding a bathroom to your home, square footage can be precious, and a wet bath approach lets you fit more into a smaller room because you don’t have to devote space to a shower frame or stall.

Wet baths cost a bit more, but they are an excellent investment and the most durable way to build a bathroom.


Toilets, Tubs, Showers

This part of your bathroom remodel is huge.  The shower, or tub, is literally huge!  These items take up a lot of space in your bathroom and require a lot of planning too.  Tubs and showers often come in 1 piece units or units that are multiple pieces and the size of your doorways (and hallways) make a difference in what kind of unit you need when you decide to replace these pieces.  You can also choose freestanding tubs, like the old fashioned claw foot pieces or drop in tubs that sit into beautifully tiled surrounds.  Showers can also be created out of gorgeous tile.  There are endless possibilities!  And toilets…well, not all toilets are created equally.  There are short ones and tall ones, round ones and elongated ones, fancy and plain, insulated tanks, and some with more powerful water capacity.  Some toilets have fancy handles or the flusher is a button on top, some the tanks are sold separate, and most the seats aren’t included.  Many toilets can be bought to match the style of your sinks, tubs, and faucets.  Again, so much to consider!

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